The real reason behind GITS 2.0

Just Passing Through

The Wildcard
Was it for more money, for the George Lucas upgrade treatment, or to make it fit better with Innocence?

Or was it because they didn't want Ghost in the Shell to look like The Matrixanymore?

After the Matrix sequels, who could blame them?
My two cents:

I've never thought Ghost In The Shell ever looked like the Matrix. Doesn't resemble it on any level as far as I'm concerned. The Wachowski brothers (or is that brother and sister now? Google 'em - you'll see what I mean!) are welcome to keep their own crap ideas in their own crappy franchise.

As you may guess, I have no love for The Matrix movies. :wink:

If anything, I'd guess that the GITS 2.0 venture was just an inevitable attempt to keep the franchise in the public eye, and squeeze more money out of it.

Nothing wrong with that in my eyes. It's a great franchise. I'm even halfway looking forward to the Hollywood version.
As I have speculated many times before (including the last time this issue was discussed on here, I think), distancing themselves from The Matrix definitely played a part, imo. The lure of being able to touch up an old film with new technology must have been strong, too. I think bringing it "in line" with Innocence might have even just been an afterthought that happened to mesh with this, although I'm sure there is an interview out there that would say otherwise. I don't think they'd have done it if they thought it was going to make no money, but I equally don't think they did it just "for the money".

HdE said:
I've never thought Ghost In The Shell ever looked like the Matrix. Doesn't resemble it on any level as far as I'm concerned.
Let's just say I disagree, but there are certainly a lot of other strong anime influences in there, too.