Sadly, I find that we're what you'll have seen me describe often as 'the poor relations' when it comes to getting manga when it comes out in the US. Because we have no publishers of our own, we seem to have to wait a month for VIZ (including SuBLime) titles after the US and digital release dates and who knows what's going on with Kodansha?! Yen Press are a little more reliable but Seven Seas are a lottery (e.g. I received a Seven Seas title today I'd pre-ordered many months ago through Amazon which was released in the US on May 30th. The publication dates for Seven Seas that I pre-order tend to come and go but eventually the titles turn up.) I used to use UP1 a lot but it's quite expensive, alas, these days (P&P).
I'm always very interested to see other manga readers' experiences around the UK. Certainly Waterstones has made a big effort these last 2-3 years or so compared to how it was in the noughties but, again, they're not competitive price-wise with Amazon. Our local comic shop gave up selling manga about ten years ago but is now starting to do so again but not in a significant way. (I'm envious of your comic store,

Even after the paper problems, European manga publishers are very much cheaper still on the whole; the books from Hana/IDP that I regularly buy cost 7.99 euros per volume and Ototo/Taifu have recently put up their prices to 8.35/9.35 euros (this is France -
@Noemi10 might fill us in on the Italian manga scene which is similar to France in many ways.)