The link between Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy X-2


Dandy Guy, in Space
When I played through FFX-2 for the first time (Way back in the golden era of 2004), as I got to the end, I began to realise that there was a definate link between FFX-2 and FF7.

When you reach the farplane cave (where vegnagun is) onboard the celsius, Shinra comemnts that there is an immense amount of energy on the farplane. He then muses to himself about if the energy could be harnessed for use and harvested. This got me to thinking. The kid's name is SHINRA. in ff7 President Shinra is an old man - could they be the same person?

Now I Know that I can't have been the only person to have spotted this, so any oppinions would be great.
It's probably on purpose, like a cliché of the series. Like on every FF game, there is a character called "Cid" or "Biggs and Wedge".
Biggs and Wedge where only used in a couple of FF games though yes i do see what you mean by the names being re-used in the FF games or the fact that each FF game so far has basically has an airship in it. I did notice Shinra was used in both FF7 and X-2, but there is no link, not from what i have seen or heard.
Yeah, I think it was just a coincidence (maybe Square are running out of names! lol) Still, I picked it up as well first time I played it: I didn't want to talk to him if I could help it because I thought he was evil for being named Shinra!
As far as I can remember, you can pick up Cloud Strife as a party member in Final Fantasy Tactics, after doing a specific quest / series of events. Don't remember the details but you could probably find it on gamefaqs somewhere.
Lerion said:
He then muses to himself about if the energy could be harnessed for use and harvested. This got me to thinking. The kid's name is SHINRA. in ff7 President Shinra is an old man - could they be the same person?
Unlikely that this is anything but a casual nod to the FF fanbase, especially in a game as lighthearted as X-2. It stretches the imagination a bit too far :) That said, there are incidental characters that have appeared in multiple FF games, and argueably are the same people, like Gogo (5 and 6) and Gilgamesh (enemy in 5, random summon in 8) and then there is Cloud who mysteriously appeared in Tactics... though there were definately major marketing considerations there.
its like in FF9 (not played that in ages!!!) at the end where whats-his-name the monkey boy appeared in they play again and said something along the lines of
"no cloud nor squall could stop me..."

i cant remember it exactly but that has stuck in my mind since i saw it. i think its just all light hearted fun, kinda as if the writers are saying "lets see if anyone notices this!" one things for sure there isnt any consistancy between the games (except X and X2) other than circumstantial stuff like character names and places.
Mini-Mariah said:
Isn't there a link between all the games...?
Their names all contain the word "Final", and the word "Fantasy" and you couldn't stop them selling like Hot Cakes even if you bundled Russel Crowe's latest album with them.
kupoartist said:
Mini-Mariah said:
Isn't there a link between all the games...?
Their names all contain the word "Final", and the word "Fantasy" and you couldn't stop them selling like Hot Cakes even if you bundled Russel Crowe's latest album with them.

lol, well the CD would make a nice coaster for a lovely mug of hot chocolate while you play the game! ^_^
kupoartist said:
Mini-Mariah said:
Isn't there a link between all the games...?
Their names all contain the word "Final", and the word "Fantasy" and you couldn't stop them selling like Hot Cakes even if you bundled Russel Crowe's latest album with them.
Well, you finally took your time to realise.
Mini-Mariah said:
Isn't there a link between all the games...?

Not a "link", they are in Zelda... (OK the worst joke ever...)

But until VIII (I' haven't played IX) there was some strong point... One of them is Leviathan that is appeared in all FF until VIII (In X he is absent...)

The recall clear to another FF Game I can remind is in FF VI, where for first time appear Ultima's twin weapon (Monster and Sword...) and was forged the Ragnarok Sword from a Summon... (Or how they call them in that game...)
I just think that It can't be more of a co-incidence that Shinra leaves the gullwings after the vegnagun fight, which "coincidetaly" resides with him finiding a source of energy that is VERY SIMILAR to makou power.
BabyDaddy said:
It's probably on purpose, like a cliché of the series. Like on every FF game, there is a character called "Cid" or "Biggs and Wedge".

I don't know much about Final Fantasy but i'm quite sure that Biggs and Wedge are characters from star wars. They’re like x-wing fighter pilots or something.
Dragon of Heaven said:
I don't know much about Final Fantasy but i'm quite sure that Biggs and Wedge are characters from star wars. They’re like x-wing fighter pilots or something.
That's the reference. Wedge and Biggs are in at least FF6-8. May be in 10 (can't remember the game) or 10-2 (played it for an hour that i'll never get back). In FF6 and 7 they specifically have sort of "wingman" roles for Terra and Cloud, though their longetivity is considerably lower than their Star Wars counterparts :p FF8 they were goofy soldiers who you kept meeting and fighting.
Biggs and Wedge are Blitzball players in 10 they are also in 11 (the online one) as vendors (or was it quest givers??)