When I played through FFX-2 for the first time (Way back in the golden era of 2004), as I got to the end, I began to realise that there was a definate link between FFX-2 and FF7.
When you reach the farplane cave (where vegnagun is) onboard the celsius, Shinra comemnts that there is an immense amount of energy on the farplane. He then muses to himself about if the energy could be harnessed for use and harvested. This got me to thinking. The kid's name is SHINRA. in ff7 President Shinra is an old man - could they be the same person?
Now I Know that I can't have been the only person to have spotted this, so any oppinions would be great.
When you reach the farplane cave (where vegnagun is) onboard the celsius, Shinra comemnts that there is an immense amount of energy on the farplane. He then muses to himself about if the energy could be harnessed for use and harvested. This got me to thinking. The kid's name is SHINRA. in ff7 President Shinra is an old man - could they be the same person?
Now I Know that I can't have been the only person to have spotted this, so any oppinions would be great.