Genkina Hito
The light novel series “Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei” by writer Tsutomu Satou and illustrator Kana Ishida is in production over at studio Madhouse and a promotional video has already been released.
In a world where magic is as real as technology and supernatural powers have become a systematised tool and skill, there are high school and universities’ that help nurture the next generations of “Magic Technicians” and “Supernatural Powers Users”. We follow two siblings: older brother Tatsuya is a low achiever and considered defective while Miyuki is a perfect high achiever. Both experience life in Magic High School.
The LN series began life in 2011 and there are currently 12 volumes on sale. So far the only name linked to the project are character designer Kana Ishida, director Manabu Ono (Saki Episode of Side A) and seiyuu are Yuichi Nakamura (Tomoki Kuroki in WATAMOTE) who voices Tatsuya Shiba and Saori Hayami (Saki Morimi in Eden of the East) who voices Miyuki Shiba.
In a world where magic is as real as technology and supernatural powers have become a systematised tool and skill, there are high school and universities’ that help nurture the next generations of “Magic Technicians” and “Supernatural Powers Users”. We follow two siblings: older brother Tatsuya is a low achiever and considered defective while Miyuki is a perfect high achiever. Both experience life in Magic High School.
The LN series began life in 2011 and there are currently 12 volumes on sale. So far the only name linked to the project are character designer Kana Ishida, director Manabu Ono (Saki Episode of Side A) and seiyuu are Yuichi Nakamura (Tomoki Kuroki in WATAMOTE) who voices Tatsuya Shiba and Saori Hayami (Saki Morimi in Eden of the East) who voices Miyuki Shiba.
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