Ah sorry i missed you hun, works been the typical monday madness lol.
Glad you had a great weekend

and what did you watch? anything you'd recomend i watch? looking for new things to watch as i watched most of my anime last week whilst ill
As for my weekend.... friday i went bowling with kayls and a few of her mates, resisted the txts from friends asking me to go for a sesh afterwards. went home and watched a few films then went to bed.
Sat, i woke up and went across the road....set up a wireless network and babysat for abit....i say babysat....their parents where in.....but i love kids and can't resist sitting and keeping them entertained for a few hours lol.
then my family went shopping, i tidied and vaccumed the house so it was spotless (i'd done it whilst ill....but my family are messy buggers to say the least!) then they got back and went across the road and stayed there pretty much all night, drinking and eating curry.
Meanwhile kayleigh came round, we curled up on the sofa and watched a fair few films, ordered a pizza and then went upstairs to play abit of ps3 aswell as just spend some time together.
as fate would have it....my dad walked back to pick up more beers and noticed all downstairs was empty and i was upstairs in my room. heard him make a few joking referrences before leaving again.
@ 1am kayleigh headed off home and my family stumbled back through the door. completely steaming

(for once....it's not me)
then sunday i woke up at 1pm and just relaxed all day. eating the remaining slices of pizza and raiding the capri sun
T total for over a week.....how long will it last?