The General Conversation Area

I was refreshing my memory earlier with some chess (playing against the machine on a website)...yeah, I still suck XD I could beat my ex, but I can't beat a machine programmed with algorithms XD Fun though, even if just exercising the old grey-matter...

While you're there, ask him what he's doing outside the f***ing robot

Put those fool things away! Dream calories are real calories!

I laughed! XD Give the guy a BREAK!

@Phobos you heard the man, put those (fool) things away!

@Rena Ryuugu - glad you're well. What do you do for work?

Also, I'm not to bad thank you very much ^^ Been a bit rough as of late but feeling a bit better today.
I breed Pokemon in unique Pokeballs such as Dream Balls and the Apricorn balls. Especially after I breed one in one type and then get a different type I didn't have.

*Dons obligatory old lady Yorkshire accent* When I were a young lass we just caught the things and got them into fights...

Sounds cool though :) I must admit I'm not familiar with the newer games, but I am aware that there's so much more too them well as there being about 248474396439683 monsters...XD
Work wise I'm on my last day of the week woo! I'm planning to do my second haberdashery Thursday or Friday hopefully with some help on "game-fying" a few snapshots.i usually go out on the weekends I get off honestly though I'm bored of it, so I might not
Work wise I'm on my last day of the week woo! I'm planning to do my second haberdashery Thursday or Friday hopefully with some help on "game-fying" a few snapshots.i usually go out on the weekends I get off honestly though I'm bored of it, so I might not

Stay in, you're not missing much these days XD God I'm old!
Neil... I don’t want to know what you’re like at work...
Probably more like this, actually:
