The future of Anime... More Moe and pointless fanservice?

I'm not a fan of Moe, and yes pointless fanservice ruins more than its fair share of anime (It came very close in Elfen Lied for me for starters) However I much prefer 'anti moe' stuff, I.E pro feminist stuff like the Miyazaki films and such. I mean the only fanservice type thing I have is Burn Up Excess, and that does have enough action in it to keep it just on my level, but so much stuff is extremely meh, and it does seem to be the majority of stuff coming over here.

From the ultra violent fifteen years ago, to the ultra twee now I suppose...why can't there be a happy medium?
Yay... another thread that's lost it's purpose. ¬_¬
To Jayme: Actually, this is the only complaint about moe and fanservice topic. The other was "What is moe?" Yet, somehow, it managed to help Lupus Inu make a spectical of it.

In fairness, if he's watched a few eps, and he didn't like it, then he can say so. And he doesn't have to add anything to whatever-it-is.

Anyways, I loved Lucky Star. *Fingers crossed* Another series I'm gonna buy when it gets here (will replace everything else on the "must buy" list).
Chaz said:
Yay... another thread that's lost it's purpose. ¬_¬

But this is my thread D= Lupus, this is all your fault

To Jayme: Actually, this is the only complaint about moe and fanservice topic. The other was "What is moe?" Yet, somehow, it managed to help Lupus Inu make a spectical of it.

And that's isn't Lupus's job.
I don't mind the odd fan service shoot maybe once every couple of episodes, but something like Najica which to my mind had a half tidy story was rendered almost unwatchable due to the frequency of panty shoots.
My take on Najica is that it's a parody of both spy movies and fanservice, so self-consciously silly that it's more humourous than titilating.

Fanservice only really works for me in moderation: the occasional ilicit glimpse of underwear, cleavage shot, or Gainax-style jiggle. It's the tease, the rare thrill of seeing something you're not supposed to. Too much and I either tune out or find it hilariously contrived.