The future of Anime... More Moe and pointless fanservice?


Stand User
Okay, Moe doesn't get on my nerves that much, but Fanservice definitely does.

But after looking at all the anime that's coming this easter, I was shocked to see that the amount of Anime to offer are just pointless Moe look alike and could hold a possibility of fanservice.

I mean, screw Britain on "Not getting enough anime". This is "We're getting too many moe and fanservice anime!!!". This is overkill imo, most of the anime on that list have been done to death before.

I know they are just catering to the Japanese taste, but how long before they get sick and tired of it? Because at this rate, they are going in the direction that American cartoons are stuck in, repetitive and utter disapoinment.

I don't mind moe etc, but fanservice (when done in a **** way) annoys me and ruins what could have been a decent enough series (Ikkitousen).

A good deal of my anime collection could be classed as moe, and a fair amount is fanservice, but not on a dislikable scale (actually I don't own any anime that have fanservice in that I don't like).

I'm more of an alternative male anime fan; I don't like a great deal of action type anime and all that jazz - romance, shoujo, comedy, drama, harem etc is my sort of thing.
I hate moe when it's a primary focus of a series, detest it, but enjoy other kinds of fanservice (in its broadest sense), hehe. Ikkitousen would have been boring to me without the gratuitous moments (the characters and plot weren't that original otherwise to my tastes) but I can see how it would be annoying if you were hoping for something else.

It is annoying that almost everyone jumped on the shallow premise bandwagon but there are still plenty of gems in amongst the hideous bishoujo series. There's always been a pretty vast difference between number of shows coming out and number I would actually enjoy anyway for me at least...

I hate the majority of it, HATE HATE HATE. Some of it is ok to watch for the lulz though. It's for the "Otaku" and self-proclaimed "Otaku"

The new anime season seems to be full of this crap too, I want a quality mecha series, damn it, not some barely original drama ecchi series.
Rui said:
It is annoying that almost everyone jumped on the shallow premise bandwagon but there are still plenty of gems in amongst the hideous bishoujo series. There's always been a pretty vast difference between number of shows coming out and number I would actually enjoy anyway for me at least...
I agree with this. I, too, have only ever watched a fraction of what's out there - Sturgeon's Law applies as much to anime as anything else - but I can't remember a time when I was interested in so little of what's being released in the West. And, if I'm honest, the current trend towards moe fluff and bishoujo adaptations is something I'm not happy with. It's fortunate, I guess, that there's still plenty of old releases that I want.
*Puts his Yuji Shiozaki titles in a black box, labelled "Open when safety is assured"* XD This might get ugly for me...

Anyways, as much as the fanservice fan I am, it does become a milder and milder "taste" if you get overloaded with the same-old, same-old stuff. Overloading something is never good.

Now, Moe to me is just stories of young girls as the main cast. I found AIR to be a lot more entertaining as a story compared to what I thought it was going to be. So I dont mind a few of them out.
But what is the ratio of moe/fanservice anime compared to the total? I've not read into it myself. If it's like 2:1 with, say 10 new series out, then we'll have something to worry about.
Re: The future of Anime... More Moe and pointless fanservice

Chrono Mizaki said:
But after looking at all the anime that's coming this easter, I was shocked to see that the amount of Anime to offer are just pointless Moe look alike and could hold a possibility of fanservice.

Just Checking Chrono, are you talking about the Japanese Easter lineup or the western one? ;)

I'll presume Japanese, in which case the first thing that came to mind was thisnews report I saw a while back.
Quotey bit:
After the April 2008 television program schedules [in Japan] are laid out (*2), the drop in the number of animated programs will be clearly seen. In short, the Japanese animation business has fallen into a great crisis.

Since the one thing I've repetitively heard about the Japanese market is that Moe sells, tends to make me think they are falling back on it to make sure they keep the industry afloat.

As for my own opinion, I love Moe to bits, but I also know too much of a good thing is equally as bad and diversity is the spice of life.
I love anime because if its rich and diverse nature, so yes I'd hate for it to sink into cliché hell...
Anime is already repetitive and a disappointment. You have to look hard nowadays to find anything genuinely good. Sure, there may be "decent" anime, but not much that is actually good.
There's always been a huge amount of **** you have to dig through to find gems in anime, the digging made easy by rating/review websites. Thankfully, since I got into anime late (4-5 years ago), there's still a lot of older series that are worth watching, so it really doesn't matter to me if only trash is getting released right now.

It really doesn't bother me how much **** gets released in Japan... Most series will never make it over here. If there's one high quality weekly series released this Easter I'll be happy, and there most certainly will be since Code Geass will be airing.
Sooner or later good series' will appear again, you just have to be patient and know where to look. I don't know what people are complaining about now, I've always had to trawl through crap shows to find the good ones.
Moe i dont really mind, Fanservice i dont mind either, but when fanservice is used to much it does get rather reptitive and boring. But if used in the right places can be a good source of humor.
Gah, How many times has this thread been made. ;/

I like moé. It involves some brilliant series; Lucky Star and Haruhi - Also, The Key game adaptations are great. I thoroughly enjoy them. All by Kyoto Animation ;D. Anyway, I like them shows, therefore I like moé shows and I get irritated when people call a lot of them pointless. No anime truly has a point, Because its entertainment. I'd still go for a comedy over a mecha.

Fan service is irritating when it shouldn't be there, If its part of the description. I'm all for it. As long as some substance is there, Its watchable.
Lupus Inu said:
I stopped reading Jayme's post at the mention of Lucky Star and brilliant in the same sentence.

Just because you don't like it...

People have opinions. You can't dismiss something as aweful because you don't like it.
Lupus Inu said:
I stopped reading Jayme's post at the mention of Lucky Star and brilliant in the same sentence.
Okay, Brilliant might not be the best word, But its one of the funniest animu's around.

According to your MyAnimeList account, You have never seen Lucky Star. How rude of you. You should go watch and laugh at the funny Otaku/Gamer references. NOW! GO .. WATCH! Mayn. ;p
Jayme said:
Otaku/Gamer references.

Heres the problem everything is a refrence to something else it's like playing were waldo.
This is whats making zszs seem dull it just seems to be busy parodying anime they whole time instead of making some good social commentary or a good a plot you would never have guessed it's "guess the anime and we will make it blatant so you can get it"
Jayme said:
Lupus Inu said:
According to your MyAnimeList account, You have never seen Lucky Star. How rude of you. You should go watch and laugh at the funny Otaku/Gamer references. NOW! GO .. WATCH! Mayn. ;p
I've watched several episodes of it, but as I totally disregard it, why would I want to add it?
Lupus Inu said:
Jayme said:
According to your MyAnimeList account, You have never seen Lucky Star. How rude of you. You should go watch and laugh at the funny Otaku/Gamer references. NOW! GO .. WATCH! Mayn. ;p
I've watched several episodes of it, but as I totally disregard it, why would I want to add it?
So I could check if you've seen it. Hah, As long as your remarks are based upon something. I'll allow it. Although, Hopefully you saw past the fairly bad first four episodes with the n00bish director. After then, It got better. ;O

Gacha said:
Jayme said:
Otaku/Gamer references.

Heres the problem everything is a refrence to something else it's like playing were waldo.
This is whats making zszs seem dull it just seems to be busy parodying anime they whole time instead of making some good social commentary or a good a plot you would never have guessed it's "guess the anime and we will make it blatant so you can get it"

That's more based up Zetsubou Sensei. Lucky Star doesn't try to escape the fact that is it a parody or a spoof for the fanatics to see. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, I agree as the first half of one of the episodes was a meta-anime. But, funnily enough - I really enjoyed that. I like that genre, I suppose. But, Yeah. I do miss very much the whole choosing of a pointless quirk within human nature and running with it for 12 minutes thing that hasn't happened much since the first season. I only still watch it for the " .... HAS PUT ME IN DESPAIR" scene. Noice.
Anything that gets done to death annoys me, regardless of what it is, so in theory, I could get sick of mecha (and let's face it, there are way more mecha than moe). I can tolerate moe and fan-service in small amounts.
Maltos said:
Lupus Inu said:
I stopped reading Jayme's post at the mention of Lucky Star and brilliant in the same sentence.

Just because you don't like it...

People have opinions. You can't dismiss something as aweful because you don't like it.
I think telling people that on the internet is a little redundant. No use making mountains out of molehills.