The Firefly/Serenity appreciation thread


Death Scythe
After starting on my DVD box set of Firefly this afternoon I was wondering who else here is a fan? It has some Bebop/Farscape influences but is downright awesome! I was also really pleased to see that there is an official release date of 27th of this month for the feature length follow-up, Serenity. That should be worth picking up too. :D
I love it. I always thought of the series as something I'd like to see, that I'd 'get around to', but shortly before the movie was released I was encouraged by a friend and I think I saw the whole thing over the course of a week, extras included.
I've imported Serenity from the US, but I'm tempted by the UK release with it's exclusive extra, though that seems to fanboy-ish even to me.

Plus the graphic novel is out here in March (but in Forbidden PLanet right now...)

It's the characterisation, the writing that does it. Living, breathing people, who just happen to live in a time of interoplanetary colonisation.

Watch it!
I've been a huge Firefly fan ever since my boss at work thrust the DVDs into my hand and insisted -- quite fervently I might add -- I go home and give 'em a watch. Suffice to say, I absolutely loved it, it's just so well written, witty and intelligently put together... once again Mr. Whedon I take my hat off to you. I've since bought my own copy and rewatch it on an alarmingly regular basis.

One of the perks of working at a cinema is that I got to watch Serenity on the big screen 3 or four times -- can't wait to get my mitts on the DVD. Apparently the R4 is the way to go, comes with extras not seen on the R1 and R2 and if you're quick you can still pick up the Limited Edition that comes in a rather spangly tin.
Excellant series! I borrowed it off a friend who swore Id love it...and yeah he was right. It was just so entertaining, and I really loved all the characters.
I picked up the box set ages ago and need to finish watching it (I got through about five episodes before being distracted by Paranoia Agent and FMA -_-). But I'll definitely be picking up Serenity once I get off holiday next week. Firefly rocks. Possibly my favourite sci-fi series since Babylon 5.
Im a big fan of it too! The series is so good, so is the movie, but its a shame book and wash die :(
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My copy arrived this morning - sadly because I still have a couple of series eps to watch I haven't got around to seeing it yet but the extras are pretty interesting. Interviews, commentaries, making-of featurettes, that sort of thing. Shiny. ;)

According to it's their scond highest in the DVD chart second only to the new Wallace and Gromit film so I'm guessing it's a popular release. Hell, there was even an advert on TV for it this evening (HMV, stocking it at a couple of quid more than I paid)!
Hi, im the friend who lent kittyseras the firefly box set, sorry to say im not a big fan of anime, but i am a huge fan of firefly. If any of you are interested, im setting up a site trying to get firefly back on the small screen, the address is Its not totally complete yet, but there will be events and such. If your a true brown coat, help.....pleasesssssss......ill be your best friend i swear.
I finally got to watch Serenity yeasterday, and i thought it was really great, but you can certainly tell it was a Joss Whedon series (or rather film in this case), because the same rule seemed to apply to both Buffy and Angel; (don't read if you havn't watched Serenity yet) someone always has to die at the end of the series, poor Wash, i had to cry at the end with all those little memorials
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Excellant series! I borrowed it off a friend who swore Id love it

I did the same it was brilliant. Was it very popular, I'd never heard of it before my friend told me about (had heard of serenity it was advertised everywhere). Did anyone think it was maybe a little cowboy bebopish. They fly around the galaxy getting paid for doing jobs, in cowboy bebop they fly around the galaxy getting paid for bounties. I saw alot of other similarities too.
Loved the series and the movie, now tyrying to make characters in The Movies pc game like the cast an start making my own episodes. There's enought wild west stuff for land stuff and the old sci fi bridge could be used as a fire fly bridge.
I haven't seen Firefly but I rented Serenity after good reviews and then bought the thing. Nice to know Hollywood can make a blockbuster that doesn't insult one so.

Though I will admit I'm not as anti-Hollywood as it may seem. In fact, when they do make a good blockbuster there normally stunning, I just wish it was not so few and far between though.

Last year was terrible, only had a few saving graces...
Only thing I didn;t get about the movie was that the bounty hunter claimed not to know them and yet he turns un at the end of the series to hunt them all down...... HUH???

Apart from that it is one of my favourite series, favourite scene is when Wash is take prisoner and they go to break him out and they give the Sheppard a gun - best line - After he shoots someone in the leg Captain 'I thought the lord disapproved of killing?' Sheppard 'yes but the good book says nothing about kneecapping'

Fave episode - Children on Jaynes Town - Jayne is a great character my fave in the whole show.
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I liked how in the Serenity film instead of the villian getting beaten and killed, he was allowed to live and, to a degree, reform.

Made a change that.

Also, I adored that space battle.
Hovis! said:
I liked how in the Serenity film instead of the villian getting beaten and killed, he was allowed to live and, to a degree, reform.

Made a change that.

Also, I adored that space battle.

Totally agree, and yes the space battle with the Reavers is awesome, brilliant to watch on the big screen