everyone has a chance of being in it I nearly have drawn everyone I know on this forum so, in time everyone would have probably been in it, any way about the team

Jake aka JAKEMAN
illistrator of the manga and head cheif in character design, his favourite foods are, chips, chocolate, chinese and super noodles, oh and ice cream

Nick aka Niche
main story writer, thinks of all the stories in his brain.
his favourite foods are Grapes, party rings, a ham sandwich and coffee

Steve aka Giga
CO story writer usally does the parodies, his favourite foods are Fish and chips, cheese, ribena, and haribos

if u would like to join the writers pm me,
To be in the manga we need to know one thing and that thing is
are you a boy or girl

To quote the dying catchphrase: I'm a laaaaaaady :wink:

And I don't suppose I get a say in this, but I'd love to be a baddy :twisted: so any parts going I'll be happy :?
you are always the kawaii sidekick :lol: , the new pages to the manga are great :D can't wait to see more, and if i appear later
You can be my Side kick, I need one for helping me with my on going verbal abuse battles with necromancer, Nothing physical as yet but its always good to be prepaired aint it Necronancy LOL, yay new Manga WooHoo 8)
Should be putting up some stuff probably tomorrow night, but seeing from whats been done by jimjim, I wont make a big deal out of it lol
plus i got in the kent inistute of art and design go me lol
Hi everyone seeing that it will be my forum manga's first birthday soon I thought I would do a special series for it. It's called Legends