The All Things Furuba Thread

Hello everyone

I've just read the new volume of Fruits Basket, volume 15, which has the Head of the Sohma family, Akito, on the cover and I thought I would start a general Furuba thread where all fans can talk about anything from the manga/anime/ favourite characters etc. Rightie-ho! I'll start then.

The recent volume explores Yuki's past and interestingly, we learn more about Akito (albeit, seen through Yuki's eyes.) There's an interesting scene later on where Kyo does his usual rant at Yuki, but now that we know more about Yuki, I realised that even though neither would ever admit it, they are actually more similar than they would ever care to admit. The second half of the volume looks at class 2-D's production of Cinderella, and this being Furuba, needless to say, there are some interesting turns of events... Overall, this is by far one of the best volumes I've read. There was a particulary sad scene with Yuki that made me cry. We see the pain that Yuki has been going through, but Takaya as always gives us something to hope for too, because there's more to life than just darkness.

Anyway, just to change the topic slightly - my favourite characters are:
Yuki, Kyo, Momiji, Shishou and what the heck.... Ayame too!

Who are yours and why?

M.G xx
Only just working my way through disc 3 of the anime, so I’ve got some catching up to do, specially as I think I read that the anime only goes as far as volume 8 of the manga.
Long looking forward to getting my hands on the manga (when I can afford it) and delving into the characters in more detail.

Find it hard to favour any particular character, they all have their own little niche in the story, its hard not to love the central three of Tohru, Yuki & Kyo though, each in their own way – I guess I have a particular liking for Kyo – something to do with his moodiness and his contrasting temper, especially when irritated by “that damn ratâ€
Seems I have some catching up to do seeing as I've only seen the anime and loved it. =X

There's something about the series I just can't figure out, it's got some sort of charm, pulling you in and you wanting to have more, sadly the ending of the anime is only just the beginning of the series, I should read the manga some time, but I have volumes 1-3. ;_;

My favourite characters would be:
Akito - Although a totally different gender in the manga, I find it doesn't matter as he's a ruthless and cunning manipulator causing everyone to suffer.
Shigure - I just love his way of things, he's an... interesting character? His comic relief is a breath of fresh air when the series at times becomes rather sad and you can be rather empathetic to some, but Shigure brightens up the series. XP
Kyo - Who the hell doesn't love Kyo? He'll rebel against anything!
Hiro - The little sarcastic sheep is awesome! He's one of the characters I wanted to see more, but the anime ending so soon didn't really get to see anything of him. v_v
I own volumes 1-15. Obviously read those volumes too. Fruits Basket truely is incredible ^_^ I loved the Cinderella play in volume 15! Hilerious.

I love every single character in Fruits Basket, they are wonderful. Though I have to admit, I kinda hate Akito, well Akito's actions towards others, but he has his reasons.

My top three favourite characters are (eek this is tough):
Kyo - 'Cause he is just amazing and like Rukario said, who the hell doesn't love him?!
Tohru - She's just so kawaii >_<
Arisa - She's awsome (H) She has not shame XP

Is it just me, or does April seem too far away? I need volume 16! T_T
Heya Kursed

April is way too long, I do agree. I have been tempted by scanlations (which is rather naughty of me) but I do not think I can wait the four/five years it will take for Tokyopops english releases to finally reach us. Felt very sorry for Yuki this volume. If people only see the prince, they wont ever see what he's really like.

But I did like the re-telling of Cinderella - that was funny. And when Shishou appears, Kyo's complaining that he wouldn't want his 'father' to see him in the play as he'd be embarassed.


Yes I know what you mean - it does have this magical charm to it. Reading it always makes me feel less cynical about the world. I have learnt a great many things from Furuba. Hard to believe that the series is drawing to a close in japan.

M.G xx
How did I not se this thread! Or was it when I vanished..? Maybe.

I've seen the anime, but prefer the Manga myself. Its differs so much and you learn so much more about the Shoma curse and the characters.
I'm not up-to-date on the manga myself but I will be soon X3 I still need 14 and 15 though i've read the first few chapters of 14 =x
It's one of those manga, where there is something you can relate to. Possibly not turning into an animal, but the relationships between the characters ^^

Its cirtainly something you can be easily addicted too XD
Hey squishee-hippo

Now that you mention it - I wouldn't mind turning in to an animal. And if it had to be a creature from the Zodiac I would want to be Kureno's bird. Being able to fly would be pretty amazing... Also, I wouldn't want to be Haru's erm... cow, but I wouldn't mind his Black Haru personality.

(Cue Black Manga Girls) :twisted:

I've learnt alot from FB, and I think I have a special kinship for Yuki.

Talking about addictions, I am very much a Furuba junkie. Once it's got you, that's it, there is no turning back.
Since the anime only follows up to vol 8 of the manga. i think they would make a movie or something to finish it of.
i know it will never happen.but you never know.
Yeah, I just got Vol. 15 in the post on Friday and just finished it off today. I did really feel like crying towards the start of it, due to seeing Yuki's history fleshed out deeper, but then there have been so many parts of the manga and anime that have brought me to that stage :oops: Also really excited to see what else happens after some of the events in this volume, such as more between Uo-chan and Kureno.

I really do wish that they would do a second season to the anime, but with it know being almost 5 1/2 years since the anime was release, I doubt we'll ever see it, even with the manga's popularity.

April is going to be hell to wait for. I think I'm just going to go download the scanlations as I just really want to know the ending now it's concluded in Japan (ne?). The as the English editions come out, I'll just reread them :D

I love all the characters, but I think my favourite has to be Yuki (even though I've always tended to side much more with Kyo/Tohru than Yuki/Tohru). After that, maybe Momiji.
Hi there Akaihane

What I really liked about volume 15 was after Yuki's story is told, there is a bit of a stand off between Yuki and Kyo where Kyo goes into his usual rant saying to Yuki that 'You're just a stupid little..." But he never finishes his sentence and there's that sad expression on Yuki's face. And it's the first time that the reader (and perhaps Kyo too) realise that they are actually similar and that Yuki's bringing up wasn't as priveleged as Kyo had originally thought.

I've already gone down the scanlation route and I'm very close to the end fo the series now. If you have trouble finding them let me now, I can PM you over a link.

Same here, I'd still buy the books but April is a ridiculously long wait.

M.G xx
I've been meaning to watch Fruits Basket for a very long time now. I'm planning to buy the R2 boxset that'll be released in a few days (but it'll take a bit longer until I can actually afford it ^^;;).
Hey M.G.

Fully agree. The confrontation bit is one of those times that a manga really makes you pause as it hits you so hard. Once I've polished off a few of the manga I've accumalated lately, I really want to re-read it as I'm sure there are things that are missed on a first reading.

I think I have scanalations of the next couple of volumes. I think I downloaded a bunch after Vol. 14 was released, but I didn't get a chance to get through them :D Gonna have to make sure to sit down and read them this time as I'm dying to know how everything pulls together.
Kursed said:
Is it just me, or does April seem too far away? I need volume 16! T_T
Tell me about it! Are Tokyopop REALLY gonna have four-month gaps between volumes from now on? (seems the way it's been going recently) Means we won't see the end of the series til late 2008...
Hey Akaihane

There are a lot of developments over the next few volumes. Scanlationa can be terribly addictive. But you are right, Furuba, is one of those series where if you go back for a closer look, you will notice things. The manga-ka does drop clues along the way, that I didn't pick up on the first time I read it. What I realy liked about that volume is that everyone always sees Yuki as a prince, but this time you see his hopes and fears, and how much he has been hurting. I dunno, I geuss, I now see him as being more human...

Even though he's not perfect, its made me like him more.

Oh, thankyou for befriending me. It was a nice surprise to see your icon on my friend list. Drop me a PM about Furuba anytime, we can chat about the later vols if you like!


M.G xx
Finally got round to watching the last disc of the anime a number of weeks ago now, but before that I had already given into the temptation of the scanlations and read the manga right from the start through to around where the anime finishes.
I think they did a nice job of concluding the anime, especially as they veer off manga plot line to some extent, but form an 'ending' of sorts drawing on some of the themes that come later on. At the same time though its still open enough if they do ever get around to making another series!

Really enjoyed reading through from Vol.6 to the sort of mini-climax around Vol.11 where Tohru finds a new resolve on what she feels she must try and achieve - perhaps helped a lot by the fact it was all fresh storyline not spoilt by having seen the anime first.
Being an ‘older’ reader I found I particularly appreciated the focus on the older characters of Shigure, Mayuko and Hatori in amongst these volumes but also found the detail on Arisa’s past and connection with Tohru’s mother touching.

I’ve now read as far as Vol.15 – one thing that has stuck me is how it takes until this point before you start getting a handle on Yuki’s real character – much like you say M.G - how he is seen only as just a prince. As far as the anime series goes you don’t have much else to go on other than him smiling sweetly at all the admiring girls, but now we have a better insight into what makes him tick.
It’s was easy to take a liking to Kyo’s character to early on, now I find myself tiring a little of his moody outbursts and empathising more with Yuki. I can’t disown Kyo completely though down to him having orange hair :wink:

I did enjoy these volumes but hearing some of you talk about these later volumes I couldn’t help but feel I was missing something after reading them myself – my suspicion is the translation is a little fuzzy and so it lacks the clarity and impact I felt it should have had – perhaps this is a caution against reading the scanlations.
Has anyone compared the quality of the scanlations of these later volumes with the official English releases?

Well fuzzy scnalation or not, it’s going to be hard to resist carrying on to Vol.16 and onward…
I feel so far behind in Furuba as a fan at the moment it's almost shamefull! I'm currently up to volume 12 and so really need to catch up!
Furuba is one of those mangas, I find, that are very easy to realte too. By saying that I dont mean turning into animals ;D but some of the problems the characters face, the emotions they experience and the lessons they learn! I find myself re-reading my volumes when i'm going through a certain problem myself and always come away with some advice. It seems like such a light hearted manga when you pick it up, but there really are some good twists and turns that make it even more intresting.
I really do have to catch up, i've heard rumors about the latest volumes I just have to find out about!