The 2010 OScar Thread

Genkina Hito

Ok, I've been on this forum a month and my favourite threads are usually the movie ones...

The 2010 Oscars have been revealed.

The problem inherent with the Oscars is that some movies don't get released in the UK until after the ceremony but I'm going to lay my cards on the table and say that it'll be a good night for The Hurt Locker - possibly the best film of last year...

Cinematography - “The Hurt Locker” Barry Ackroyd
Directing - “The Hurt Locker” Kathryn Bigelow
Sound Editing/Mixing - “The Hurt Locker” Paul N.J. Ottosson

I'd like it if it got best actor but that's doubtful... Possibly Best Picture...

If it isn't The Hurt Locker then it'll be Avatar...

Best Actress Carey Mulligan in “An Education” - she was great

Best Writing should go to either
“An Education” Screenplay by Nick Hornby
“In the Loop” Screenplay by Jesse Armstrong, Simon Blackwell, Armando Iannucci, Tony Roche

Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Christoph Waltz in “Inglourious Basterds”

Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Mo’Nique in “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire”

A Prophet should win Foreign Language Film!
The best picture will probably be Avatar, with Kathryn Bigalow picking up Best Director. In The Loop will get best adapted screenplay, but I want Neill Blomkamp to get it. Helen Mirren (Meryl won the GG, so I don't think she'll get the Oscar) will win best actress (well, her or Bullock). Carey won't win, but she was great. Jeff Bridges will probably get Best Actor. Waltz got the SAG Award last month, and he'll get the Oscar (though Damon or Harrelson could easily snatch it). Mo’Nique for supporting actress as well. Either The Hurt Locker or Up for Best Original Screenplay. I feel like The Fantastic Mr. Fox could grab the Best Animated Film award from Up, but its doubtful.

Er... costume will probably go to Nine or some crap. Michael Giacchino will win at least one award for score.

Somewhat disappointed (500) Days of Summer didn't get any nods. Karen O should have been nominated for Where The Wild Things Are, but I heard there was some problem with that happening, so that's disappointing and er... Moon? What happened to Moon? Two sci-fi films got nods (three if you count Star Trek) so I suppose that's the reasoning there.
Avatar is amazing, but I can't imagine it will win. It's not unique or original enough, although the innovative visuals might make up for that.

I watched Inglorious Basterds last night and I thought it was incredible. It's brilliantly written - the dialouge is just phenomenal. Hans Landa has to be one of the greatest movie villains of all time, too. It's funny at times, and though the ending is a little ridiculous and doesn't really gel with the rest of the film, it was still satisfying. Of all the Best Picture nominees I've watched, Inglorious Basterds is the most deserving of the award, while Avatar is probably the film I enjoyed the most.

Christoph Waltz should win Best Supporting Actor easily! :]
CitizenGeek said:
Avatar is amazing, but I can't imagine it will win. It's not unique or original enough, although the innovative visuals might make up for that.

I agree with that, although we both know it's going to come out on top. Infact, highest grossing film of all time, it even beat Titanic (also directed by James Cameron...)!
The Hurt Locker and Avatar are so interchangeable for Best Director and Picture its actually too hard to call. THL is up for some of the more important ones, Jeremy Renner is up for Best Actor. I'm doubtful it'll be a Slumdog-esque washout, but it will definitely do (noticeably) well.

Looking (again!) at the noms, I'm a bit shocked at Up In The Air not getting a Best Editing nod. That film was all about flashy editing. A pretty full category that one so I guess its understandable.
Not sure about all awards but Avatar certainly doesn't deserve best picture and neither does Inglorious Basterds and I love that movie... maybe... Up? Nah.
It does look like either The Hurt Locker or Avatar will dominate - Best Actor will probably go to Jeff Bridges after hearing the rave reviews and the Golden Globe award. Having watched Up in the Air I doubt Clooney will get it as good as he was.

When I think about it, as visually spectacular as Avatar was, The Hurt Locker had the greatest impact on me in terms of story and direction. Editing and sound were spot on and the actors were brilliant. It was the first film from anywhere to analyse the attractions and realities of modern war and that realistic heft, the documentary feel might push it above Avatar.
Checks Oscar date March 7th... 30 days away... Realises he has to keep putting up comments until then…

So, did I mention The Hurt Locker was like the greatest film of last year and should win the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director?

Looking at the Best Actor category, there's no really standout performances like in previous Oscars...

There Will be Blood and Michael Clayton from 2007. That year also had No Country for Old Men and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.

Anyway, next Friday is embarkation day for new films. Wolfman and Ponyo - great film although the female lead was somewhat disappointing given past heroines.
Jayme said:
Wait, we want to keep this going? I was going to but then I thought I'd let it die (as per usual) until the actual event.

30 days is a long time... We'll let it come back like Dracula... Christopher Lee not Gary Oldman
I've lost all interest in the Oscars now, but my predictions have pretty much stayed the same, except I think THL will get both Best Director and Best Picture. Mo'Nique and Waltz will get Best Supporting, still with Bridges for Best Actor and I have no idea about the Best Actress, hopefully Carey.

...I probably will be watching the E! Red Carpet till I go to sleep though. Be watching the event itself tomorrow.

Baldwin and Martin are going to be terrible.
Real line from BBC News Oscars coverage:

"Last night also saw Sandra Bullock beating off Carey Mulligan..."

>_> <_<
Well it went as expected for the most part. Glad The Hurt Locker and Kathryn Bigelow won (the fact she is the first female director to win an Oscar shows that the English-language film world is such a long way behind the rest of the world.

And what the hell were they thinking not gifting A Prophet an Oscar?!?! The Secret in their Eyes better be good. The lead actor is familiar...
Baldwin and Martin were very close to being in Leno territory, but overall, I quite enjoyed the show. The interpretive dance (lol) against the nominated scores was great even though the awards given themselves were pretty boring and expected. I never saw The Blind Side but as much as I would have loved for Carey to have won, she never done anything extraordinary. It wasn't exactly a steal from her.

Oh and NEIL PATRICK HARRIS OPENED!!! Amazing amazing stuff. I love that he gets around at these award shows. He still holds the bar with his Emmy hosting for the Best Host Ever in my books. <3 <3

Is it wrong that I found Ben Stiller hilarious? I don't really get the hate for the guy.
Jayme said:
Baldwin and Martin were very close to being in Leno territory, but overall, I quite enjoyed the show. The interpretive dance (lol) against the nominated scores was great even though the awards given themselves were pretty boring and expected. I never saw The Blind Side but as much as I would have loved for Carey to have won, she never done anything extraordinary. It wasn't exactly a steal from her.

I agree. Carey is still new to the A-List so she still has time to develop whereas Sandra has been around for a while and is moving away from the sometimes dire comedy and into a more serious direction as evidenced by Crash and The Blind Side.