That new Naruto series.


Yeah I was just reading about how they're making a new Naruto series because of all the fillers the previous one had, and that sounds great but it also raises a question for me. I recently bought Naruto Unleashes volume one and two, and there's like over a hundred Naruto episodes so it's probably going to take years to finish collecting it, and is it really worth it since there's a new filler-free series coming out? Should I just sell my two DVD's while I've got the chance and wait for this new series?
It isn't a total new series that retells the story. The new one is part 2 as it were and continues from where the last series left off before the filler episodes.
inst the new series called
Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles?
i cant wait for this to start.
(i can already see the number of peers and seeds on the torrents that day...hehe )
Yes, it's Naruto: Whirlwind Chronicles, or if you'd like Japanese Naruto: Shippuden and yes, the torrents will explode on the day of release.
I'm really looking forward to it, YEAH!!!(i just have to let it out sometimes, lol). I havn't read the manga, so i'm just really hoping it will live up to mine and everyone elses expectations :)
Got another question. Like I said I already have Naruto Unleashed vol. 1 & 2 but I don't see anything about a 3rd volume on They ARE releasing all of it on DVD, right? I don't want to buy a half-arsed series.
I hope they release all of it, because there's absalutely no point in buying it otherwise. I mean if they're going to be like this I might as well just go download it instead of buying it. Nobody wants to pay money for a DVD and but still go through extra hassle.
Lupus Inu said:
Find out when America is releasing Uncut boxset 3 then the UKs release will follow a few weeks later, or so said Espy.
Yeah apparently the Japanese licensors have put a bar on Manga getting ahead of the US releases, though I've no idea why! @_@

Tessai said:
I thought manga were only releasing the first 52 episodes (for the moment at least)
I heard the same, and Manga intend to get more should the sales they get in the UK justify it. (which means if no one buys it, no more Naruto for us - so stop downloading it you freeloading leechers! :twisted: Gragh! *rampages around the room*)
Ushio said:
Lupus Inu said:
Find out when America is releasing Uncut boxset 3 then the UKs release will follow a few weeks later, or so said Espy.
Yeah apparently the Japanese licensors have put a bar on Manga getting ahead of the US releases, though I've no idea why! @_@

That would be because the Japanese licensors happen to be the European subsidiary of the company releasing the show in the US.