Teaser trailer online for Satoshi Kon's new movie - Paprika


Ghost of Animes
Click here to stream the trailer for Satoshi (Perfect Blue, Paranoia Agent) Kon's newest movie, the sci-fi thriller Paprika (due out in Japan during 2007). [<a href="mms://agency2wm.fplive.net/agency/2/2/intl/japan/film/paprika/paprika_high.wmv">WMV</a>] [<a href="rtsp://agency2rm.fplive.net/agency/2/2/intl/japan/film/paprika/paprika_high.rm">Real</A>]
Looks very interesting and typically Kon. I suspect this will be his most mind bending effort yet!
Good heavens. :shock:

Not sure what to make of that...apart from the fact that it looks messed-up in the best possible way. I probably would have guessed it was Kon from the first 5 seconds even if you hadn't said!
It looks very nice, I'm excited now. I hope we don't have to wait too long for a UK release.
Looks like he's taken the altered reality themes from Paranoia Agent and run with them.
Heh, if its anything like perfect blue for the twisted psychological stuff then it should be worth seeing. It'll be interesting to see what Satoshi Kon does with a Sci-fi setting.

Shaking walls, looks good :D