

Well I've been thinking about getting one, anyone have any thoughts on them? Would you ever get one and if so, where? Does any one have a tattoo here and if so, post a pic! Instead of getting lots of little smaller ones, I would rather get myself one fairly large one one my arm or what not, somewhere that can easily be hidden anyway. Also, I'm probably going to draw it myself as it would be nice to have something unique

I would love something like this (although it probably won't happen, it's a bit much):

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I've considered it myself, still yet to get one. I would like to find out the general cost of a tatoo 1st, ranging from something tiny-small-large-full body. (I'll never get a full body one or anthing past the shoulders.)
I know it'll change from artist-to-artist, but a general idea would help me.

I've thought of having a simple one with a sword on my shoulder, and an anime girl's bust (head/neck/top of torso) on my back.
Tatoos can be nice, if done stylish. I just haven't got off my ass and thought about it too much.
i've considered getting a tattoo, but i promised my dad that i would run it by him first, and to be honest, it'll only be something small up near my shoulder, i don't think i'll look good with a full sleeve to be honest :lol:
Yeah i got 3 tattoos (as well as 5 piercings) and definetly have plans for more; just the money side of things
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Well I've been thinking about getting one, anyone have any thoughts on them? Would you ever get one and if so, where? Does any one have a tattoo here and if so, post a pic! Instead of getting lots of little smaller ones, I would rather get myself one fairly large one one my arm or what not, somewhere that can easily be hidden anyway. Also, I'm probably going to draw it myself as it would be nice to have something unique

I would love something like this (although it probably won't happen, it's a bit much):

I have one, with hopes of a second one soon. In total i think i'll have 4 and leave it at that, i have a tribal on my left arm, after going to the gym i must say it looks more impressive in size.

second tattoo shall be something on my right arm (to balance things out) i'm considering an eagle (like my dad) or something to similar effect. the last tattoo has to be a scorpion, it would have been my first....but the scorpions that i wanted where all £200+ and they were only tribal/black, no colour.

I want this on my neck, I've wanted it for like four years.
Lupus' dream tattoo, it's a Berserk reference :D. Also, like Chaz, I wished I knew how much these cost on average, but it depends on the size, amount of ink, the artist etc. There's quite a fancy new tattoo store a couple of minutes from my place though, I'll check that out at some point
ive got two, got my first one for my 18th -will be 9 yrs ago on friday ****- of japanese symbols meaning angel on my right arm only small. Then the other is around my right ankle ive got the writing from the lord of the rings one ring goes right around my ankle
I would like another one on the bottom of my back just not sure what i want there though

If i can get a decent enough pic ill try n take one
Laughable, unless there is something meaningful behind it. Anything past the cuffs or neck is an ultimate no-no, and can never be good.
I would have to agree with the video, Tribal, barbed wire or chinese character tattoo's are so generic and usually make you look like an idiot/4756874 guys out there
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
I would have to agree with the video, Tribal, barbed wire or chinese character tattoo's are so generic and usually make you look like an idiot/4756874 guys out there

**** you yeah ;)
Otaku-san said:
Most of my Dads family had one, apart from himself. If anything I might have a band logo, the "The Misfits" or "The Addicts"

I love Misfits tattoos. I wanted the skull all throughout high school :D

I'm hoping to get one for my 21st. Something small on one of my wrists. Either 'So it goes.' or a '42', haven't quite decided yet.