Tales from Earthsea to get Film4 showing


Straw Hat Pirate
Forum user <strong><a href="http://forums.animeuknews.net/profile.php?mode=miniprofile&u=2491" onclick="window.open('profile.php?mode=miniprofile'amp;u=2491', '_miniprofile', 'HEIGHT=300,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,WIDTH=290');return false;" target="_miniprofile">Project-2501</a></strong> has noticed that Channel 4's own movie channel, Film4, will be showing Studio Ghibli's <em>Tales from Earthsea</em> over the Easter period.
The film will be shown twice - the first time on Sunday the 12th of April at 2:45pm, and a repeat show on Thursday the16th of April at 6:45pm.
Film4 shows a number of Ghibli movies over the course of the year, and has even shown the live-action <em>Death Note</em> movies over the past few months.
Forum user <strong><a target="_miniprofile" onclick="window.open('profile.php?mode=miniprofile&u=2491', '_miniprofile', 'HEIGHT=300,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,WIDTH=290');return false;" href="http://forums.animeuknews.net/profile.php?mode=miniprofile&u=2491">Project-2501</a></strong> has noticed that Channel 4's owned movie channel Film4 will be showing Studio Ghibli's Tales from Earthsea over the Easter period
The film will be shown twice the first time on Sunday the 12th of April at 2:45pm and a repeat show on Thursday&nbsp; the16th of April at 6:45pm
Film Four shows a number of Ghibi movies over the course of the year, and has even shown the Live action Death Note movie over the past few months.
I saw this when the DVD came out. This is the one directed by Hayao Miyazaki's son Goro. It's not one of Ghibli's best, but still far better than some other movies out there, and well worth seeing at least once, and adding to your Ghibli collection, like I did.
while it's not my favourite ghibli, it's a good film. On Jonathan Clements book they have this little story about how a certain director moans about the guys in ties got his son to direct a movie, because they shared a name.
Although he never cites any names, it's pretty clear that is Hayao talking about his son Goroh.

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