Takashi Miike Adapting Phoenix Wright

Genkina Hito

First it was a videogame, then it was turned into a manga and a musical, now it has been confirmed that Takashi Miike is adapting the Phoenix Wright story into a live-action movie for the big screen.

<a title="PWrightDSCover by Mercury Rex, on Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/genkinahito/5786111692/"></a>

Rumours have been flying around on the internet about Miike working on an adaptation of Capcom&rsquo;s long-running Nintendo DS game, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and during a press conference for Hara Kiri: Death of a Samurai 3D in Cannes he mentioned that in his next film &ldquo;there will be &lsquo;very little blood.&rsquo;&rdquo; He went on to say, &ldquo;It is a very light comedy that I am filming now, a court drama, based on a video game, the Nintendo game DS&rdquo;. Capcom has now confirmed that he is working on an adaptation.

The film stars Narimiya Hiroki as Phoenix Wright, Kiritani Mirei as Maya Fey and Saito Takumi as Miles Edgeworth.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/genkinahito/5780620145/" title="PWrighActorst by Mercury Rex, on Flickr"></a>

The film is being produced by Toei who have built a massive court-room at their Kyoto studio and there will be a heavy emphasis on CG will be released in 2012.
<a href="http://eiga.com/news/20110527/1/">Source</a> <a href="http://www.next-gen.biz/news/ace-attorney-movie-confirmed">Source</a>
I have no OBJECTION to this....

Do you see what I did there?? I Thankew I'm here all week.

In all seriousness this looks like it could be a lot of fun.

At first I did not like this. But after looking at the actors, their not to bad. As long as they follow orginal story and have some decent production values, it might not be too bad.
I don't think the musical can be topped but I'll be keeping an eye on this.

How about an anime next, Capcom?
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christor said:
I have no OBJECTION to this....

Do you see what I did there?? I Thankew I'm here all week.

In all seriousness this looks like it could be a lot of fun.



I agree, fun looks like the key word here.
Kiritani Mirei as Maya Fey seems spot on casting wise. Kiritani Mirei looks very similar to May Fey even though of course she is essentially portraying anime style character.
I'm a bit on the fence, the last time Takashi Miike adapted a video game was Ryu no Gotoku (Yakuza.) While the character's looked the part and it was even entertaining in places, the plot felt rushed with some characters popping up with no introduction at all.

That said Phoenix Wright has far less layers and a smaller roster of characters.