Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together


Dandy Guy, in Space
Started playing the PSP re-release of this yesterday, not even going to pretend I played the SNES original though.

So far, its bloody good. I do enjoy my SRPG's but initially they're a bit of a grind, not so here, the game delivers the "action" (so to speak lol) pretty much from the off and it seems easy enough to keep your squad upto a strong enough standard to progress at a rate where you're not expected to keep grinding early on.

Anyway, screenshots (taken the games in-built screenshot snapper, which you do by pressing Start+R)



Do want. But because of the crazy Feb/March release schedule, I've had to put Tactics Ogre on the back burner for the time being. I do intend to pick it up at some point. It looks amazing.
Right at the start of Chapter 2 now, 8 hours in and still really enjoying it, thus far the difficulty curve has been absolutely perfect and the only time I've had to re-do a battle is when I've tried to apply to wrong tactical approach unlike with other games of its type where it could be a number of things.
Do you happen to know how the levelling compares to the PS1 version? I have nightmares of setting my team into opposing side in the training mode and removing ePSXe's framerate limiter so I could get some decent levelling done in my lifetime. I hear they changed some aspect of the statistics, so perhaps they sorted that out...

Not that it matters all that much, considering that if I don't have a PSP now, I'll probably never have one.
Unfortunately not, I never played the SNES version and haven't played the PS1 version either (I heard that one was a bit of a buggy mess though?).

As far as I've noticed though, there isn't a huge need for grinding thus far, admittedly I only got onto Chapter 2 during the early hours of this morning and I'm one for searching out the optional battles anyway, but I've only really struggled when I've not really planned my moves ahead or when my Valiant or Rune Fencer have been targeted the most.

But at the start of Chapter 2 I'm finding its best to limit the Rune Fencer to a role similar to what you'd see a Red Mage performing in a certain other RPG and relying on other classes, particularly my Berserker, Knight and Magician for more direct attacks.