Tachi's Art


Hello everyone.

Yeah i know i've got a chibi thread too but somehow i don't think this counts under chibi's lol

well here's the first of my pic's
Naruto's feet aren't complete and Ed is just a rough sketch at the moment so check back from time to time and see how it goes, i'm also drawing another pic with Roy mustang and Maes Hughes which i'll post in a couple of days or next week (depending on if i have time during the weekend to draw)

so here's the first installment:
Pretty nice, did you copy the poses from a picture or make them up yourself?
I like them though, hurry up and finish Ed, he looks good thus far. Plus.. he needs some eyes =P

I might upload something I've done in my spare time one of the days actually.. they're not really great but should give you all a laugh =P
Naruto is based on the pose on series 1:2 on the back of the dvd.
and Ed from the guidebook in ep 1 of FMA. although these pics are drawn using the pictures as help for the poses...their not copies, i've taken away parts and added others.
i've been improving parts of Ed but will repost picture when it's nearly done :)
look forward to seeing your pics james :)
cheers outlaw. i've just been looking at your latest work... pro job as always :thumb: your really talented mate, keep it up