Summer Meetup North - Who can get to Birmingham?

I'd be up for a meet if you can arrange it, just PM me the details or something. I live in Hull which is a bit away but I can get down depending on £'s and schedule so if you let me know when it is...

Although, I might not be welsome :p as I'm only 15. Minors okay to come along or will ya be drinking? S'ok if I can't come- will be at Mangattack! '06 anyways.

Love Taz x
Of course you'll be welcome. ^_^ Keep an eye out here, as there will be a another thread about a Birmingham meet soon, mainly to check dates....
Oh do please come missytetra, the more of us the better and I would really like to meet newbies.

Age doesn't matter in meetings because on another forum, we had a London meeting and youngest attendee was 13 and oldest was 27 and we all got along really well regardless of our ages.