Summer 2013 Anime Guide

I usually do a video on these on what I will be watching and a quick synopsis. I might still do one but I did talk about the Summer line up just recently in a podcast that I am apart of.
If you would like to hear our thoughts on what we will be watching check the podcast here
Looking through seiyuu cast now, I'm more excited for Servant x Service and Stella Women's Academy than I was at first blush.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Silverlink's record of poor comedy? But Baka & Test is hilarious! Sometimes.

Very good visuals but that's the only thing I can remember when it comes to Baka & Test, thus why I find it forgettable and not really that funny, I also never watched the 2nd season because of that.

Also I worry that Silver Link are also working on Fate/Kaleid this season, which I would imagine that will be the most important and most worked on, I just don't want Watamote to be a lazy effort.

I still really want to watch Watamote and I hope they do well with the source material but if they screw up this and Fate/Kaleid is boring. Then my dislike for Silver Link will continue to grow, we can only hope that's not the case.
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Reevothemusefan said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
Silverlink's record of poor comedy? But Baka & Test is hilarious! Sometimes.

Very good visuals but that's the only thing I can remember when it comes to Baka & Test
C'mon man! You don't remember Akihisa walking around with a table stuck to his hand for an episode? BakaTest is good times. :-/
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