still searching....


My favourite anime genre is romance/drama but i find it really difficult to find new series worth watching, im looking for an anime thats like Rumbling hearts or Peach girl.
It can either have a tradgic plot or a comical one; however the most important thing is that the charcters act on their romance theres nothing worse then just 'percieved' romace strectching for 100+ episodes (take inuyasha for example). Fan service is okay just as long as its not the main focus.
Any suggestions ?
thanks guys :)
Midori No Hibi
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora - Classic and one of my top 5 romance, if not the best one i've ever seen.
If you after a romance comedy try Lovely Complex one of the best Rom Com's I have seen in ages it has me totally hooked at the moment
Aye, Lovcom is good and funny to boot.

If your looking at the new stuff Japan side then try School Days, it's already got me hooked and it's giving off that Rumbling Hearts vibe.
It's much more a tense romantic drama than a comedy.
I've already wanted to smack the male lead character round the back of the head several times for being an idiot... :)
Only seen the first disc, but thought His and Her Circumstances (Kare Kano) was pretty good. Not much time's wasted in getting the main couple together at all!
At this moment I'm looking for the same type of genre.

My new favourite romance anime at this moment is Shuffle!, Loved all the characters, has a good story, few bits of comedy. Only thing I will say it does have a fair amount of fan service.

School Days looks good at this moment too.
Hmm romance animes... very hard to pick out some good ones... The Ah! My Goddess is a good romance imo. Find it hard naming good ones cause most of the ones ive seen are some of my favourite of all time lol.
I'll stick up for REC - that's a wonderful shorter series, you could do the whole thing in a night if you wanted.

Also, is School Days good? Is it airing in Japan currently, or has it just been completed?
adamcube said:
I'll stick up for REC - that's a wonderful shorter series, you could do the whole thing in a night if you wanted.

Seconded (or thirded), REC is a nice little OVA romance story with a nice twist of comedy in there. I like how each of the ep's are named after Audrey Hepburn movies :)

adamcube said:
Also, is School Days good? Is it airing in Japan currently, or has it just been completed?

It's currently airing in Japan (4 ep's in for those who know where to look) and for me I'd say it's definitely giving off a "Rumbling Hearts" vibe. The visual novel it's based on is kinda famous for the several quite shocking endings, so it's probably not going to end well :eek: Even after a few eps you can see some of the more worrying aspects of the characters personalities creeping in, and it makes for a tense watch.
Think I'll be watching it with a pillow to hide behind :)
As some have already recommended I would say watch, fullmoon wo sagashite, Rumbling Hearts, REC & Lovely Complex in that order to watch.

All very good romance anime, each one has something different to offer in this genre.

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