Stereotypes of anime...

When friends are people whom like anime, You have another reason to argue with them if they don't like the same things as you do.
I've never really had anything said to me. But once in a store I was surprised when a girl was talking to her friend about how crap anime was (walked by the section) but pronounced the word anime perfectly :lol:
It doesn't bother me when people seem to connect anime with pornography, that usually means they've been looking at hentai on the net. So bring that up nnext time someone asks, lol. They obviously never really watched anime themselves so wouldn't understand. The only comment that gets me is when people just refer to anime as cartoons, thus for kids. That really p*sses me off. To be honest, I'd rather people assume it's porn rather than just kids stuff.
Did I mention that that really P*SSES me off?! :evil: