Starz Sells Manga Entertainment

Mohawk52 said:
For once I agree with Conan. It has always been a conundrum to name a company that sold nothing but anime "Manga" when the term always meant a totally different medium of printed graphic novels. It always annoyed the hell out of me when video and rental shops labeled their anime shelves "MANGA". Please can it be erased from all memory?
I've always wanted to open a film studio called "BOOKS".
BanzaiJedi said:
At least they have no more excuses for converting DVDs to PAL now that they are free of their corporate overlords. It might take a while to get that message across though...
Well, it depends if that mandate actually came from the US or someone higher up the Anchor Bay chain in the UK.
I'm not sure Animatsu licenses really count as Manga. There are ties there of course, but I think we should probably seperate Animatsu / Manga releases from purely Manga ones when discussing the companies.
ayase said:
I'm not sure Animatsu licenses really count as Manga. There are ties there of course, but I think we should probably seperate Animatsu / Manga releases from purely Manga ones when discussing the companies.
How have we handled Kaze in the past? It is a similar situation in that Animatsu license and Manga distribute, although the Manga quotient is actually higher than with Kaze since they even have Manga SKU codes (or Anchor Bay in the case of Halo).
I think those are most commonly referred to (and often criticised) as being Kaze releases, because Kaze seemed to be the ones actually in charge of producing the content on the discs. Manga did what, arranged production of discs and covers with their and the BBFC logo on and shipped them out to retailers? I presume it will be similar with Animatsu, but I could be wrong. Of course, in the case of Nadia it seems like the disc content has already been produced by Sentai, so...