chaos The Boss 18 April 2008 #1,603 likes to invite people to raise their hands and create spirit bombs
Will-O'-The-Wisp Cardcaptor 18 April 2008 #1,608 Solves every problem she has with a shuriken and a jam sandwhich.
Rena Ryuugu Oyashiro-Sama 18 April 2008 #1,609 Is the master of solving every problem in the universe
chaos The Boss 20 April 2008 #1,614 knows there is only this much espers you can fight against at once
Will-O'-The-Wisp Cardcaptor 21 April 2008 #1,618 Is constantly condraticting the weather-man with her "It will rain blood" statement.
Tachi Mushi-shi 22 April 2008 #1,619 likes to go on 12 and a half person killing spree and then wonder how they got the half a person