Rena Ryuugu Oyashiro-Sama 28 February 2008 #1,222 was summoning monsters using the earth hence the quake
B BlackWolf Godhand 28 February 2008 #1,226 wanted for stealing all the worlds monuments to make an amusement park
S shira Shinigami 28 February 2008 #1,228 Wanted for stealing all the cookies out of the "Cookie Crisp" cereal
Will-O'-The-Wisp Cardcaptor 29 February 2008 #1,230 Wanted, purely for using the word "Wanted" too many times.
Will-O'-The-Wisp Cardcaptor 3 March 2008 #1,239 Seems to be posting on the games more than Spyro. Z0mg