M McIcy Mushi-shi 11 September 2006 #202 Arbalest is the tooth fairies and easter bunny's illagitamate love child
butch-cassidy Straw Hat Pirate 11 September 2006 #205 Chaz is right... and doesn't really like bleech.
D desert_skunk Brigade Leader 11 September 2006 #206 butch_cassidy has to go everywhere with an umberella as he's scared of raindrops falling on his head :?
butch_cassidy has to go everywhere with an umberella as he's scared of raindrops falling on his head :?
C Chaz Chuunibyou 11 September 2006 #207 desert_skunk needs a bath as the place is starting to smell bad...
A arthur_webb Adventurer 11 September 2006 #209 McIcy has a rare illness which requires him to ingest two litres of shampoo everyday in order to stay alive.
McIcy has a rare illness which requires him to ingest two litres of shampoo everyday in order to stay alive.
C Chaz Chuunibyou 12 September 2006 #210 Adamcube has differculty trying to get cats and dogs to co-exist.
M McIcy Mushi-shi 12 September 2006 #212 Ninja Boy! is affraid of Stoats as one once ran his father over with a steam roller
D desert_skunk Brigade Leader 13 September 2006 #213 McIcy loves stoats, in fact he trains them to drive steamrollers
butch-cassidy Straw Hat Pirate 13 September 2006 #214 Desert Skunk is made of cheese. And not just that, cream cheese.
M McIcy Mushi-shi 13 September 2006 #215 butch-cassidy shot the sherrif but he did not kill the deputy
butch-cassidy Straw Hat Pirate 13 September 2006 #216 Damn I knew I forgot something! McIcy was dropped on his head as a child, that’s why his hairs like that.
Damn I knew I forgot something! McIcy was dropped on his head as a child, that’s why his hairs like that.
C Chaz Chuunibyou 14 September 2006 #217 butch-cassidy has single-handedly wiped out the Rose due to gluttony...
M McIcy Mushi-shi 14 September 2006 #218 Chaz exists in a temporal flux and is still seaching for a way home