Star Wars 3D


Akatsuki ... ased-in-3d

It has been announced that all 6 Star Wars films are to make the jump into 3D. The first film to be released will be Episode 1 : Phantom Menace due for release in early 2012. Depending on how well Episode 1 does a new film will be released at the same time each year thereafter.

Bearing in mind the cost of converting a traditional 2-D movie into 3D is thought to be between $50,000 and $100,000 per minute is this worth it?
More. Pointless. Bollocks.

Give us the three original films, in their unmolested glory, in high definition. That's all anyone wants, now or ever.
Much as I don't really care for 3D Star Wars is about the one thing I would love to see in 3D. I'm not a "buys all things SW" type fan, but I would go, even just to see the majesty of SW on the big screen again.
I don't want them to proper release it, like they are going to, I want like, two/three week releases for each film so the prequels go quickly and I can see the OT in the cinema. 3D Star Wars would look pretty awesome. I'm more eager for the HD release though, but again, I don't want to own the prequels so I hope they release them separately. I also hope they release proper editions of them, with Han shooting first and stuff.

Screw it, I'm hesitant, but just remake the first three again. Not much Lucas involvement, with original non-Ewok/incest ending.
Lucas is like a chav with a sports car which is his only pride and joy in the world. He spends all his time and money modifying it, thinking "Hey, that'll be cool!" without realising that every alteration he makes to it is just making it worse.

Here we go again...
I don't see the big fuss over 3D anyway. But even if I did. It's just another stupid attempt at hollywood to cash in when they're sinking faster than the Titanic.

If we had the unedited versions of the original trilogy (back when episode 4 was just called Star Wars) without any of this gimmicky rubbish then maybe I would be interested.

I remember the days when George Lucas used to be a director.

Remember everyone. Han shot first.