Spine Creasing


When reading manga, are you lot careful not to crease the spine or do you happily bend it in order to read the pages a little more easily?

I've always been VERY careful since I'm a bit of perfectionist. I like keeping everything I buy in mint condition, so creating creases on the spines is a big no-no in my book. I'm the same with bent pages; I'm careful not to.

It bugged me when I purchased 6 volumes 2nd-hand and found that all the volumes had creases to the spines/covers and faded pages. I don't understand why someone would be so careless with something they've paid money for...
I'm pretty careful with any of my books. I don't get how people can actually manage to wreck them either, seeing as how manga have relatively thin spines compared with a lot of books (try reading a paperback Stephen King and not ruining the spine - now that's impossible) and the pages tend to flip easily.

My Japanese YKK manga are particularly good though. I don't know if all Japanese manga are like this, but they're paperbacks with extra covers like you would get on a hardback. So even if you knackered the spine it wouldn't show.
I'm careful with my manga since I don't like creases on the spince but the only manga that has got creases on the spine is my copy of Clamp School detectives volume 1 since I got it second hand and a few of my one piece volumes since they are the gollancz versions and the spines of those tend to crease very easily to the spine
I always try to not bend the spine and haven't noticed any creases on mine yet, not even on the ones i first got 3 years ago though several of my non manga books have gotten damaged like that, especially the ones i've lent to other people
I don't crease mine even dragging them around on trains in my handbag for days. I don't know how people manage to destroy books so much sometimes!

That said if I'm rummaging in a bargain bin I'll overlook surface damage to save a few pounds. My husband is obsessive about things being perfect (good when he's using my things!) but I'm more relaxed.

Haha, im totally crazy when it comes to manga care. It drives my friends crazy.

I can't deal with broken spines, creases to the cover, or any other form of physical damage. People who turn over pages too bookmark make me totally flip out. I'll only bend the manga open at like, 90 degree angle at most? If I loan out a manga, I put it in a wee like, sandwich bag, sealed up so that it doesnt get covered in dirt, or in any way damaged. Infact, im so weird when it comes to taking care of stuff that I got a dvd box set back from a friend with a wee bit on the corner turned and got all panicked and crazy.

So yeah. I like my books in good condition. The way I see it, with the amount of money I've spent on manga, etc, why should I let them just get damaged and wrecked unnecessarily?
I hate creases as much as anyone, and I generally avoid careless treatment such as throws across the room or untidy storage.

Still, at the end of the day my enjoyment of the Manga itself means a lot so I may bend the spine a little to catch those 'edge-of-the-page' details.
Rui said:
I don't crease mine even dragging them around on trains in my handbag for days.

After seeing the damage to the corners of my The Count of Monte Cristo book, I'm never going to carry a book I care about outside of my room. Nasty white corners (as well as creases from reading and a few scratches to the cover) on my favourite book aren't nice to see.

I wish I'd taken as much with of my normal, non-manga books. Spine creasing, yellowing/fading from sunlight, a few stains/marks rubbing my fingers down the page edges while reading (bad habit with large books)... They aren't nice on the eye. I'll never be so careless with my manga collection.
Some of my volumes are damaged slightly, at first I'm all "... ****." but then I realize the material inside isn't damaged and that's all that matters. Also, some of my manga has faded yellow like my extremely old manga like FMA and Bleach. [Which I no longer care about]
The art in my copy of Sundome v.1 is very close to the spine, so I had to force the book open to read some of the speech bubbles. Now I have a creased spine :(

I'm much less bothered about mistreating regular books.
Well I'm not hysterical about my books, I don't wear gloves or keep them stored in vacuums lined with acid free paper, I don't keep tidy little accounts of re-sale values and sit staring at them with a feather duster in my hand. :wink:
Ofcourse I like them as undamaged as possible, but for me they're there to be read after all not just to be admired at. However, creased spines are just so annoying, people must lay them flat face down to get that. Sometimes it's unavoidable though, especially with big hullocky books, but I can live with that rather that read like a thief. Turned corners and pages, I really hate that, as if you couldn't use just about anything as a bookmark. Scuffed corners are so annoying as well, but if it's a case of not having the book at all then I don't really care.
There's a few people I don't lend anything anymore to, when things come back with juice stains and bent pages, you wonder are they always so careless about things or just other people's possessions. For things I read on the bus or tube and throw in the bag or stuff in my coat pocket, I usually pick paperbacks that I don't mind so much if they get a little bit scruffy.
I try my best to make sure nothing gets creased, though sometimes it really can't be helped if I wanna read the volume properly (this'll usually happen when there's an interesting fight seen or what-not happening in the manga).

Though not everyone likes keeping their volumes in decent condition. One of my friends was reading Vampire Knight, and after me giving her a good slap about how she would damage the pages if she carried on reading it the way she was, she deliberately bent it front me me... I had to watch the spine crease and split down the middle... ;_;. But it was Vampire Knight, so no loss ^^.

But, yeah, she said she likes damaging her manga slightly so they have that "I've been read" look when they're up on her shelf.
I'd say I'm medioker~ safe with my manga. I try to keep the book open as less as possible, just enough to read (which I've noticed is harder with shonen jump's). The only thing I do which is somewhat dangerous too the book is when I get tired of reading, I fold the top corner of the page slightly too keep track; But I do that alot less now since I make sure I read a whole volume with no stopping.
Seeing the word winds me up. Fair enough if you want to open it right up to get a better view but people who just leave them face down and open when they're done reading half of it and come back the next day to finish it off. That's just stupid, buy a bookmark.

Books are the one thing I can't lend out to anyone unless it's one I'm not too bothered about.
My friends arnt that fussed on manga so I dont really have to lend them out, my main problem are my younger cousins who are a bit rough with them but I dont have the heart to take them away from them. Saying that nothing really bads happend to them. Ive ruined them more by leaving them out on shelves and theve lost there colour ive resorted to packing them in shoe boxes and putting them under my bed.

The ones i have to be really carefull with are my Fushigi Yūgi ones by Gollancz. Does anyone else have a problem with books by Gollancz?
im pretty anal when it comes to creasing spins on all my books including my manga. i hate creased spins nothing is worse, there is no need to open a book that wide to have to crease a spin in the first place