Speed Racer flops at box-office; woe for live-ac anime films


Ghost of Animes
On Friday last week, the latest Wachowski "Matrix trilogy" brothers action movie <em><strong>Speed Racer</strong></em> (based on the 1960s anime series Speed Racer (aka <em><strong>Mach GoGoGo</strong></em>)) opened in theaters worldwide, but has so far failed to achieve the kind of box-office sales required to be the big-budget Hollywood summer blockbuster many expected it to be. The film (now being classed as 'flop') took $20.2 million, far below the already scaled-down estimation of $30+ million.

With this news in mind, it brings into question the potential financial viability of the several other big-budget live action anime adaptations currently in-production; including the fast-approaching <em><strong><a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/news/1554/dragonball-movie-officially-confirmed;-set-for-summer-08">Dragonball</a> </strong></em>movie, which has already been filmed, and the highly anticipated new <em><strong><a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/news/1609/hollywood-announces-new-live-action-akira-films">Akira</a> </strong></em>and <a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/news/1650/live-action-ghost-in-the-shell-from-dreamworks-on-the-way"><em><strong>Ghost in the Shell</strong></em></a> movie projects.
I think it was never destined to be a success, People just aren't interested. I don't have a clue why to be honest, It genuinely looks like a fun ride. I think I blame the competition, A marvel hero will always own it.

We'll see how much it gets from Japan. It should've premiered there like DragonBall is going to. I think DB'll do better, anyway. Its demographic will still remember it from when they were a child whereas Speed Racer's demographic was a strange one because it was trying to be a kids movie but was (apparently) too long and the people whom watched the original series would be like.. 40+.
If Speed Racer was about some guy fighting the Middle East in a car which travels the speed of sound and fires lasers from its wing mirrors, it would have been a hit too, like Iron Man.

Shame really, it looked like a decent movie you could shut down and just... enjoy the ride.
Transformers did amazingly, so I don't think this is the be-all and end-all for anime adaptaion Hollywood films.

It was marketed as a bright colourful racing car story (with a little kid), which probably put people off, i.e making it seem like a family film. I've not seen it and know nothing of the story though so I don't really know.

I'm hoping to see it at IMAX either way, just a lot going on right now.
Speed Racer just didn't have much appeal at all really. The audience was kids around the age of 10, people nostalgia about the TV show or those wowed by over the top special effects.

If they make US adaptions of anime that don't rely on appreciating the cheesy/camp atmosphere then they might get somewhere. I think we're moving into an age where more people want things to be that little bit more gritty and somewhat believable in some sense. Just look at the success of the new Batman. Something like Monster could work if done right but if they churn out campy anime adaptions of anime with shoestring storylines then they might as well not bother.

melonpan said:
Transformers did amazingly, so I don't think this is the be-all and end-all for anime adaptaion Hollywood films.
Transformers is an American franchise that the Japanese made adaptions of.
Sy said:
melonpan said:
Transformers did amazingly, so I don't think this is the be-all and end-all for anime adaptaion Hollywood films.
Transformers is an American franchise that the Japanese made adaptions of.

I keep forgetting that even though I've looked into it and have read so much about it. (*facepalm*). Either way though, people who have seen the cartoon series seem to be aware that the animation isn't any old animation, and that it's recognisable as Japanese. I think.. I hope.

I'm sure there's plenty of scope for other live-action adaptations of comics and cartoons, basically all of the major American comic franchises have had live-action adaptations and been huge successes, just looking at the latest Iron Man one, and Hellboy 2 coming up.

If a live-action anime adaptation is marketed right, I think it can be a success. Let's just see what happens with Dragon Ball.
I'm not going to bother seeing it either. Liked the psychedelic race scene in the trailer but I have never seen Speed Racer so have no nostalgia attachment lingering to make me want more. Since film adaptations tend to be shaky even with some attachment to the original I decided to skip it.

If this was a flop, then Dragonball will most likely flop too. GitS will probably have very a good chance to be honest.
Only noticed they were making a film about this the other day, and i though straight away it was fail. Not sure why, just didnt seem like it would do massively well.
To be honest, I don't see what the big deal is about. All the other upcoming films are based on completely different source material in different genres. If a film based on a TV show flopped, it wouldn't have a knock-on effect for any other upcoming films based on TV shows.
Don't really fancy Speed Racer myself, as mentioned by others seems a little too kiddy for me.

Akira and Ghost in the Shell on the other hand done properly and aimed at no less than a 15 certificate, could well be two storming films. If handled right they could be the mark by which other anime adaptions are judged.
I haven't seen the film nor the original so I can't comment on whether its deserving of praise or not. Still, from what I hear it's a very OTT film which drags on a bit. I'll see it sooner or later and judge for myself.
To be honest, im not surprised. from the trailer it looked like a huge steaming pile of crap. Most kids films have atleast some appeal to adults. Disney Pixar know this. But speed racer just sucks.
The merchandise is already being marked down at 25 % discount at my local Tesco. Now all it needs is for some kid to go into a fit from all the flashy effects and that will be its bullet in the head.
No idea what they expected?, Only time i heard of speed racer when dexter lab did a parody once, this is what happens when you jump on a broken bandwagon.