Sony purchase Sky EPG slot

Ryo Chan said:
Mohawk52 said:
Jayme said:
Where is Sky Atlantic going actually? Sky Living will likely be stealing the LIVING spots.
Sky isn't "stealing" anything. Sky bought out the independant company that was "Living TV". It's basically still the same company only under Sky now hence the addition of the brand. :wink:

by "bought out" and "independant company" u mean blackmailed Virgin into surrendering it's channels so as to gain access to some of it's features and HD channels

oh and

LIVING, LIVING +1 and LIVING HD will be rebranded as Sky Living, Sky Living +1 and Sky Living HD on Virgin Channels 109, 111 and 110.
:lol: You make it sound like the wild west, or East London under the Crays. I'll let you on a secret that everyone should know. Virgin owns nothing on it's channels. It's just a cable provider. Scrape off the red paint and you'll find NTL's old blue paint underneath, and under that Cable and Wireless, and under that Mercury, remember Mercury?
Your Reference: VA/896701/CM (Please quote this reference in all further correspondence)

Date: 6th January 2011

Dear Correspondent
Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding Archer and Ugly Americans and please allow us to apologise for the delay in responding.

We are pleased to confirm that we have acquired the rights to screen further episodes of both series. However, neither is planned at present and so we are unable to supply you with schedule information. Your interest in both programmes has been logged for the attention of all relevant Five personnel.

If there is anything further we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your interest in Five.
Yours sincerely

More good news :D
christor said:
ilmaestro said:
tell me why I should watch some of the shows on that list, especially Boardwalk Empire.

Three words: Martin Frickin' Scorsese
His presence is only really felt on the first episode, but indeed his spirit does remain throughout. Other words are Terence Winter and Steve Buscemi.

But really?

Boardwalk Empire had impossible hype to live up to due to this. It was certainly good, but it didn't quite live up to it in the expected manner. The show isn't so much about 1920's gangsters as it is about Atlantic City and its surrounding areas - its pacing is much slower (a la Mad Men) than most were prepared for and its very much about the world and the politics at the time over much else (especially gang wars etc). Buscemi plays a brilliant lead in an all-round well-constructed ensemble, and although it doesn't necessarily use all its talent to its advantage in the first season, I think a lot of it is setting up for its (hopefully/likely) long future. The writing is very consistent and makes for an enjoyable hour of TV a week. I struggle to say much else about it because I don't love it something fierce just yet. If you like the first episode, you will like the entire first season the same amount, the overall quality stays about the same just allowing us more time to develop and introduce more wonderful characters*. It's not The Wire or The Sopranos just yet.

*There are a few very memorable characters/moments in the first season that I think make it worth watching. Seeing young Al Capone is quite cool as well.

If you want to know about any other shows, just PM me? Or a TV General thread, which I may do.
ayase said:
Mohawk52 said:
You make it sound like the wild west, or East London under the Crays.
We are talking about Rupert Murdoch here.
Love him, or hate him Murdock is not a Cray. He's just a savy businessman who knows how to recognise and take opportunities when he see them, because he has the money to do so. He's no different than Sir Alan Sugar, or Richard Bransen or any other successful CEO, or entrepreneur. He could fit right in with the dragons in Dragon's Den quite easily.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest that Murdoch is a successful businessman. It does bother me that he uses his financial clout to actively influence the opinions of a substantial population of the entire Western Hemisphere, by promoting the opinions of the hateful w*nkers who populate Fox News and the offices of The Sun. It matters not whether he believes any of what they say or write; the fact remains that he has been directly responsible throughout his media career for fuelling hatred between human beings - Something which I don't believe can be said of Sugar, Branson or indeed any of the Dragons. The ability to influence so wide an audience makes him more dangerous than any gangster.

/off topic
If I can find me the early eps of BE easy enough I think I'll check it out. If I do, I'll come back looking for a TV thread if there's not one already. :p
ayase said:
It doesn't bother me in the slightest that Murdoch is a successful businessman. It does bother me that he uses his financial clout to actively influence the opinions of a substantial population of the entire Western Hemisphere, by promoting the opinions of the hateful w*nkers who populate Fox News and the offices of The Sun. It matters not whether he believes any of what they say or write; the fact remains that he has been directly responsible throughout his media career for fuelling hatred between human beings - Something which I don't believe can be said of Sugar, Branson or indeed any of the Dragons. The ability to influence so wide an audience makes him more dangerous than any gangster.

/off topic
Well as far as I know where both are available it's still a free and democratic country where if one doesn't agree with whatever Fox, or The Sun publishes one can just ignore either with no repercussions suffered by military means. In short if Murdock's media upsets you that badly, don't give him your money for it. Job done. Can you give me any proof that what The Sun has ever published under Murdock, has caused physical injury to anyone?
Well no, there's no proof that reinforcing the opinions and pushing the agenda of bigoted xenophobes who view morality in black and white terms has ever caused anyone any physical harm. But then there's no proof anything Nick Griffin has ever said has caused anyone any physical harm either, is there?

I try to give NewsCorp as little money as possible (the exceptions being when buying books published by Harper Collins and films released by Fox). Unfortunately, there are still repercussions for everybody by way of the influence the Murdoch media does have on many people. As you say, we live in a democracy where people vote for those who govern us. And the media has a very big say in who runs the country by influencing voters with opinionated reporting. For one corporation with particular biased, populist viewpoints to be slowly swallowing up more and more of the media in the UK is not good for people's freedom. Especially not the freedom of people who find themselves in any kind of minority.
I dunno, I'm willing to bet that Nick Griffin has said something that ended up causing him physical harm, even if we couldn't "officially" link him to anything of the sort to which you were alluding.
We need to Email Sony and try to convince them to have an Anime block on the Channel AXN. That's the only way to increase chances of AXN having an AXN Anime block and let our points of view be heard in the U.K. Need to do something or else No Anime until 2014 or something so we really need to make most of our time and demand an action.

I personally hate Nick Griffins because he's racist and the BMP need to go down. I loved it, when they showed a footage on BBC News last year by this brave old man went up to him calling him 'A gutless coward' and Griffins had a blank impression on. LOL
Wait until the channel actually launches, I think would be the best idea.

Right now, Emailing Turner is the thing to do. Probably email them next sometime during the end of January or the start of February
Paradox295 said:
Wait until the channel actually launches, I think would be the best idea.

Right now, Emailing Turner is the thing to do. Probably email them next sometime during the end of January or the start of February

Ok just give me the email Address when you think it's the best time to do it because i've got couple of other people who also want to also email them.

Film 24 is closing end of January thank god finally.
johnrulz said:
Paradox295 said:
Wait until the channel actually launches, I think would be the best idea.

Right now, Emailing Turner is the thing to do. Probably email them next sometime during the end of January or the start of February

Ok just give me the email Address when you think it's the best time to do it because i've got couple of other people who also want to also email them.

Film 24 is closing end of January thank god finally.
[email protected]

And where did you read that film24 is closing? :D
Turner are doing their up most best to get adult swim on the air and they do care about animation in general. I get that their idea was to create an adult animation channel but unfortunately it appears the UK market isn't quite ready for it but if you follow them on Facebook and Twitter, who knows you maybe be able to convince the big wigs to create the channel.
J_C_X said:
Turner are doing their up most best to get adult swim on the air and they do care about animation in general. I get that their idea was to create an adult animation channel but unfortunately it appears the UK market isn't quite ready for it but if you follow them on Facebook and Twitter, who knows you maybe be able to convince the big wigs to create the channel.
Mhm, the fact that they went to the trouble of getting AS's stuff on FX/4music is proof that they care about AS.

Also, when was that Focus group set for because I wanted to email them like a couple of weeks after it?
johnrulz said:
I personally hate Nick Griffins because he's racist and the BMP need to go down. I loved it, when they showed a footage on BBC News last year by this brave old man went up to him calling him 'A gutless coward' and Griffins had a blank impression on. LOL

An idiot, surely. But I might be treading on thin ice, but he's not that much of a racist. I personally think he is more of a corrupt bastard who takes advantage of the donations to fund his own lifestyle [a quick search on google can tell you that Nick Griffin did use the funds to pay for his daughter's wedding].

I'm fine with the BNP. I have talked to some BNP members in my life time and they are not racist nor they would treat me differently [as I'm mixed]. In fact, some of the views they have expressed I am in agreement with. I'm just not very fond of their race-oriented views and believe that race preservation is a personal right, not an act of law.