Sonia Leong's AyaTakeo to be release at London Expo


The Boss
Sonia Leong's web comic AyaTakeo will receive the <i>tankobon</i> treatment.
The webcomic started in 2007 and is set to run until 2010, each year is being compiled into beautifully printed full-colour, larger format (B5), 64 pgs, gloss cover and silk inners, published by Sweatdrop Studios. UK&pound;8.99 or US$12.99
Official launch is London MCM Expo, 23-24 May, you can buy it from the Sweatdrop Studios stand. They'll be available to purchase online soon from either the <A HREF=""> Sweatdrop Studios online store </A> or the <a href="">AyaTakeo website</a> - based in the US.

And if you want to catch up on the story after reading that first volume, you can check it out online for free @
Aw sweetie, thank you so much for posting this! ^^ Lloyd (my writer), Sweatdrop and I were super chuffed that the printing of these comics came out well, they smell really good XD (I reckon girls love the solvent fumes of freshly printed comics, hehe).

Below are some photos of the books, it was so exciting getting these in the post, as not only were these among the first titles from Sweatdrop Studios to get plate printed, but are also full colour throughout! So scary and quite pricey, but man, it's worth it. *cries*

<a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a><br><br><a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a><a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a><a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a><a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a><a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a>

I would be absolutely thrilled and honoured if people had a flick through these shiny babies at Expo *blush* And even if you don't buy, you're able to read it for free online! Win-win ^o^

Thank you very much. *bows*