So yes..... Are postmen completle utter morons by nature?

Ryo Chan

Atleast my local one seems too be, just been downstairs to see that a parcel has been left in my "safe box" which to them translates as, my food bin...........

thankfully aside from having to brush off maggots, it's ok.

But unfortunatly this isn't even the first time, 3 weeks ago they left my new hard drive in a leaky box........ while it was raining.

honestly, there's a perfectly good shed at the back, does it really take a genious to figure these things out?
You expect them to go around the back of your house looking for a shed? If it gets stolen from there then who's going to get fired?

Clean your safe box and leave a note on it saying 'this is not a bin' or sort out something with the postman.
Never had any problems like that, but I get annoyed when they don't tell you when they're going to deliver something.

Lee Evans shares my views. *NSFW*

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Yesterday the postie left my Kiddy Grade Viridian set on my doorstep. When I lived in London they took items too large for the letterbox back to the sorting office and left a card, which I assumed was the official policy elsewhere.
I had a postman (who was travelling by van) hand me a soaking wet parcel, then scarper before I realised the bottom half was wet. It turned out to be manga. Amazon dealed with it, thankfully. But it wasn't their fault.

We also had a postman steal all of my sister's birthday cards and delivered presents one year.

Also, I sold a copy of Ico on ebay, the out of print edition with the postcards, and they lost it. Had to refund the buyer.

Yes, I've had my fair share of poor postmen.
I worked for royal mail. From experience most problems happen at the sorting office and again from my experience I found many of them to be lazy, homophobic and actually pretty racist. The postmen that did the deliveries on the other hand were generally very nice people. Weird that.
I have this nazi looking postie who used to love forcing game guides through my door, even when it was obvious it would damage the guide. I opened the door when he was attempting to do so once, had a go at him and he's never done so since.

Never had problems with parcels being left since my nan lives on the same street. She never goes out, so I simply leave a letter on my door telling the postie to deliver to my nan if I go anywhere.
Most postmen I've had are fine (the guys at the parcel pickup counter locally know me very well and are great with all my deliveries :oops: ) but I've had a few stupid incidents before. Post comes every day so the number of mishaps here is pretty low overall.

1. Package left outside my door in plain sight on a busy street all day without even a note through my door. I live in a fairly rough part of London. I was amazed it was still there when I got home late at night and fell over it!

2. Package left in our recycling bin. No note through the door. I actually complained to the sender for it having not arrived before finding it inside when I went to fill it one day. Goodness knows how long it was out there for.

3. Once caught a postman putting a note through the letterbox saying he couldn't deliver something when I was in the kitchen, 1m from the front door. When I asked him why he hadn't used the doorbell, or knocked, he said because there was no car outside he had deduced we were out so ringing would have been pointless. Nobody in my house drives, let alone has a car! I was particularly annoyed by that as I'd paid extra for recorded delivery on whatever it was.

fabricatedlunatic said:
Yesterday the postie left my Kiddy Grade Viridian set on my doorstep. When I lived in London they took items too large for the letterbox back to the sorting office and left a card, which I assumed was the official policy elsewhere.

had a word with my friend (who is also a postman) and yes, unless you tell the post office about a safebox, that's what they're supose to do

i also now know who the postman was, so it's time to fuss up a storm ;)
fabricatedlunatic said:
Yesterday the postie left my Kiddy Grade Viridian set on my doorstep. When I lived in London they took items too large for the letterbox back to the sorting office and left a card, which I assumed was the official policy elsewhere.

That's always been my experience.
My postman is alright but when they delivered my Tsubasa starter set they left it outside I was lucky my mum came in before me and put it inside since I live in a rough area
:lol: We have 2 different postmen. One bald guy who turns up really late, and the other, irish dude, George, who's the best. If it needs to be signed for, George signs it. :lol: If we arent in, he hides it in a dry, out of view place and tells us its there (either via note, or literally tell us when he sees us). So, we're not so bad around here for post!!
I won a Nintendo Nes console off ebay for a good price about £20. I waited a couple of weeks and got in touch with the seller about it's whereabouts, a week or so later the seller contacted to tell me the Nes had returned there as it was uncollected. Seems the posty didn't bother to leave a note when they came to my house and it sat in a sorting office for 3 weeks before being sent back to the seller. I ended up having to pay another £10 to get it resent and when it finally did arrive (this was 2 months after i won the auction) the console didn't work. It just played the games when it felt like it. It was sold working and had been checked before it was sent so i believe the 3 weeks in some cold dark sorting office plus all the travelling it did, did it no good. It wasn't worth sending it back (which would have cost me plus i wouldn't get all my money back plus i was just pissed and tired at the situation) so kept it anyway. I later sold the console itself for around a tenner and kept the game, leads and pads for a future console.
My postman's pretty great actually, they don't leave it anywhere - you have to go to the sorting office to get it.

Only problem is post is going ridiculously slowly at the moment...

Been waiting for the Blood+ boxset for over a month now.. longest thing to get to me from DVD Pacific was a GITS:SAC disc, which took well over a month O_O
My posty's pretty good. He always rings the doorbell but i'm often not their to collect it. He used to put it in this black bin next to my door~ it was actually there for the newpapers but it had a second use then. But now we moved the bin and he puts it in my green wheelie bin and leaves a note which is ok because there's hardly ever anything in it so it stays dry.
My postman's pretty decent, to be honest. On average he gets to my house just before 11am, so I'm usually back from college (I live round the corner, so I go home for break to swap things over etc) when he arrives, which is useful for when I'm expecting something.

I've never had problems with the postman. If an item's too big, he just leaves a postcard telling me to collect it at the post office later on. I've had the occasional disc come loose, but I assume it's just the impact of it hitting the floor that caused this.

Parcel Force, however, always seem to leave small to medium packages by my door, but large items always need signing for.
melonpan said:
My postman's pretty great actually, they don't leave it anywhere - you have to go to the sorting office to get it.

Only problem is post is going ridiculously slowly at the moment...

Been waiting for the Blood+ boxset for over a month now.. longest thing to get to me from DVD Pacific was a GITS:SAC disc, which took well over a month O_O

Snap been waiting for Blood+ as well (including customs charges).

Postie here is pretty good leaves stuff with my one neighbour I trust if they are in, or takes it back to the sorting office.

The only problem I have is the 2-4 parcels that go missing between here and the States each year, so annoying waiting about six weeks just in case as I have had a few turn up about this time, then contacting the seller because you can’t claim directly. Although it probably is not the post at our end, you never know what countries this pass through.
Our postmen are usually great...but around the time of the strike, one of them left my Green Green boxset under a bush in our front garden (not even slightly hidden).

No one stole it,'s bloody dire.
so just when things start to calm down, they hit a new low

this time, i arrive back from the post office (having to pay custom for U.S items is a pain) to find my Wii Wi-fi adaptor lieing in plain sight, on our door mat, no message saying that you weren't in, not even an attempt to hide it.
My postman either opens our door and throws it in, or he will JAM IT IN the letterbox, which has once broken it before ..luckily he doesn't really do that anymore.