So what's happening with ADV's manga?


I'm hearing all kinda rumours about what's happening. One saying they are going to release manga much more slowly until they reach the budget for the Evangelion live action movie, another saying they've only licenced some manga up to certain volumes but no further and some say they releases are being delayed for an unknown reason.

Can somebody please clear this up. I checked their official site and the release shedule only goes as far as Chrono Crusade volume 4.
The dude at my comic store tells me that Full Metal Panic volume 9, FMP overload volume 4 and Chrono Crusade volume 7 are out in March according to the latest copy of his trade catalogue. There're possibly more ADV trades coming out but he knows those are the ones I'm working on.

Hope that helps.

Thanks, next time you go in there would you mind asking if Yotsuba&! volume 4 will be coming out anytime soon? Good to hear about Chrono Crusade though, i'm following that as well.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but I believe certain popular titles such as FMP, CC and Yotsuba are still being released, but in general ADV's manga section is going to stop releasing the majority of its titles.
I guess I can confirm that ADV are continuing to release the following titles:

- Chrno Crusade
- Full Metal Panic!
- Full Metal Panic! Overload
- Yotub&o (sic)
- Ray (vol 3 got released a week or so ago)

Keep adding to the list.
Lagoon Engine Ersatz (sic) vol. 1 is also out.

I would imagine that they are still releasing Gunslinger Girl, as volume 3 did come out after ADV clamped up. Its also quite an anticipated series. I would also like to know if Aria & Tactics are continuing to be released.

BTW the comic store guys are the people with the only accurate information. I usually know when ADV are continuing a series when I see the latest volume in my local. The web shops are not in the loop.
Does anyone know if Gamerz Heaven and Tactics have been stopped? I have vols 1 and 2 of each, but I got them a while ago.
I hope they haven't, they are really good series.
If you don't know what Tactics is about, here's the blurb:

Goblins Galore
Kantaro Ichinomiya is a studious young boy who fancies folklore, so it's no small wonder that his eye for the fantastical leads him into a career among the worlds ogres, goblins and boogeymen, all of whom he can help to live in harmony. Moonlighting as the ambassador to the goblin population, Kantaro-- flanked by his own ghoulish sidekick-- roams the streets of feudal Japan, hoping to solve instances of goblin abuse and bi-species confrontations. But unleashing peace between rivaling humans and beasts could open the door to something much more mystical, and much less welcoming...

The chapters are quite long, theres only three per book (so far).
It's well worth getting hold of, if you like that sorta thing.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Does anybody have a recent list with the release dates?

What do you mean by a recent list? I think all of the titles mentioned in this thread would qualify as a 'recent list'.

Much of the information I got was based on seeing ADV titles 'In Stock' in an online store or in a comic store.

Much of the reason for this threads existence is because there is no external information available. ADV won't say anything, or even update their website. I mean I am basing info on the availability of Full Metal Panic based on the 2nd/3rd hand conversations with comic store owners, and the pencilled in pre-release dates on certain web shops (wildly subject to change).

You could also periodically scan ComicList for new releases. (RSS available)
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Laughing Manji said:
What do you mean by a recent list? I think all of the titles mentioned in this thread would qualify as a 'recent list'.
A list with actual dates.

Nobody has it. I suppose ADV has one, but they are not giving it out. Thats kind of the whole point of this thread. The only reliable information on future releases is coming from comic store owners, who deal directly with ADV's ordering & inventory system.