So....What the heck happaned?

We were hacked last night. A full story is forthcoming, just need to patch up a few holes first ;)
Wow, way to put some hacking skills to use...

"So, you guys wanna hack the Pentagon?"
"Naw, lets take down an Anime site and scrawl 'Anime is for fags' all over the message board. That will surely elevate our status in the hacking community..."


You brought the site back up pretty quickly Paul, well done.
no wonder, for a sec i thought there was something wrong with my account, cos list night i was posting some messeges on the forums, then when i cheked today, ......
nothing, all that time i spent posting, none of it was there....

oh and another prob,
all the pics i have attatched to some of the forums are gone, nowt zilch, whereas all of the other members pics are there......
any news on this??
All I can say is those hackers are sad little "insert nasty names here" :evil:

It seems kinda weird that so many posts are missing and I can't remember what they were :(
Strangest thing is getting an "old" new message!
I'm not sure what the "guest" above was indicating, I for have only just been online to see if our lovely forum is back up!

The only good thing to come out from the hacking was most of those "fake" users are gone! I think we had 6 or 7 in a week :shock:
Anonymous said:
You still havent updated enough thats sad

Not really sure what you're implying. Our news posts are connected to the forums, so when that went down, we lost around 6 or 7 news posts too. Rest assured, I've managed to back them up (though I'll have to re-type last nights news).

If you are speaking about the forum security itself, I'm still going through the process of upgrading to the latest version.
well i check out my old forums and u got hit be the same hacker as me paul (no idea who he is but he planted a virus on my forums too so i suggest a virus scan
Well, I've pretty much done as much as I can to protect these forums from a similiar attack.

Rurouni H said:
You brought the site back up pretty quickly Paul, well done.

Cheers. I would have been able to restore everything earlier, but when I discovered in the morning, I just didn't have the time to figure it out before leaving for work. I'm just happy I managed to make a back-up on Sunday; it could have been a lot worse.

Ninja Boy! said:
oh and another prob,
all the pics i have attatched to some of the forums are gone, nowt zilch, whereas all of the other members pics are there......
any news on this??

With regards to file attachments, if they aren't appearing, you will have to post them again. I've tested them out and they appear to be working.
damn looks like i missed all the fun while i was away... :? nice work for getting things back to normal though, Paul. one of the great things aboutthis forum is that it's guaranteed 100% troll-free.