So i am going to be a father....

I don't mind children if they belong to my friends. That way you get to take them on days out but give them back at the end of it! I don't think i'd like my own. That's more of a me not wanting to ever be pregnant rather than not wanting a child though.

Congrats and nice choices with the names. Turn him/her into an anime geek! Eventually if it goes through a phase of hating something just because its parents like it, anime is so good the kid will come to love it eventually ;D
Don't worry, I don't really get what I wrote either ;) I guess it's the fact that the term 'lurked' or 'lurking' sounds somewhat unflattering even though it's normal internet vocabulary, lol.
A very belated Congratz but I've only just noticed this Thread!!!

No need to worry... seriously... I had my first boy 4 years ago and had a girl at the start of December... Early on they take up a lot of time as they can't do anything for themselves but believe me its not long before there little ones talking back and wanting to be independent ;)

Its amazing how you just get on with it and you will pick it up really easy... Your'll get lots of advice from friends, relatives, midwives and all I'm going to say is Do what you feel is right, you will know your own child better than anyone else and what worked for one persons child may not work for yours...

My other half got more wound up with the midwives than anyone else with the stuff they advised and insisted we should do when they can't even plot a graph with the babies weight right! But that's a whole other story...

While u have time off work and wont be getting much sleep (unless ur lucky like I was with my first) make sure u have some anime lined up to watch at 4am while feeding ;)

Anyway... I'm shut up now :)

Congratz, Good Luck :) You'll be fine!
Congrats dude. I hope one day I follow in the same footsteps of having my own family, although not until I'm ready for them and would be able to care for them properly :)