Slow site???

Ryo Chan

just wondering if its just me but there are times when the site and the forums don't seem to load very fast or not at all (sometimes the top will load and thats it)

i just seems strange that it would take a while for a 10mb connection to load the site and if there might be a bit of coding in the site that needs to be looked at
It's the server and there isn't much we can do about it. I'll look into finding out if this is a known bug with our hosts.
I get problems with this too - especially on some of the larger threads like "Your Viewing Journal" and "The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...", but it's probably due to the fact that those threads are MASSIVE!

Is there any way to shrink them without deleting them entirely?
I guess we can try to limit those massive threads to months, so at the end of every month, we close the old "Viewing..." thread and start a new one. It would probably be more organised if we did this too. A forum pruning cycle is badly needed on some our boards anyway.

I'll keep an extra eye on the site over the next few days and work out if these problems are consistently cropping up. We've been getting more hits than usual this last month, so this may also explain the speed issues.
I hate to jump into this conversation late and with such a basic answer, but is it not a simple bandwidth issue? I too am having slow load times on the site while other sites are unaffected. Perhaps your traffic has just increased a little too much this month? If so then sadly the only situation is to purchase more bandwidth
I expect it's simply to do with the physical size of the site rather than a bandwidth problem. We've been going since late 2003/early 2004 and the sheer volume of content is probably putting a strain on things, especially the forums. I'll look into this when I get some extended free time.