Single Best Game Of Last Gen?

kupocake said:
Maxon said:
And yet none of those have any bearing on a game actually being good.
Even if that was actually true ('NAO YOU R WRONG'), since the games are about as good as they ever were before, those kinds of features are a leg up beyond them.
Yes but that doesn't make them good. It just makes them prettier. Cosmetic changes have no bearing on the mechanics/gameplay of a game or how you play it, which for me, is what I play games for. These features you mention only enhance the experience.

There's a difference between enjoyability and quality, which is what I think you have mixed up.
kupocake said:
Maxon said:
There's a difference between enjoyability and quality, which is what I think you have mixed up.
Having used neither word, I'm wondering what you're mixing yourself up with.
Implications. I assume you know what those are? Of course now I can't edit my post to fine tune it so my point is pretty useless now.
Gameplay is the most important thing, graphics & stuff just contribute towards that. Look at Super Mario Bros 1 on the NES. Graphically quite basic though full of charm, but the gameplay......It will always be among the greatest platform games ever, perhaps one of the greatest games of any genre ever.

Also, holy crap when did I pass 1000 posts? XD
Mutsumi said:
Look at Super Mario Bros 1 on the NES. Graphically quite basic though full of charm, but the gameplay......It will always be among the greatest platform games ever, perhaps one of the greatest games of any genre ever.
If you'd said SMB3 I'd wholeheartedly agree, but SMB1? I've always felt that the original is a very, very tedious game and the limited tilesets (four of them? Mushroom lands, Underground, Underwater, Castle?) never helped, even if it's mostly down to uninteresting 'no backtracking' design and the feeling that Mario just responds more accurately in the later games.

The thing about this 'graphics don't make gameplay' argument that is always a little amusing, is that people seem to make the point as if it's especially new and bowl-you-over intelligent. As opposed to it being a tired point made with every new generation since video-gaming day-one, usually by people unable to take the slightest criticism of 'the classics'. MUD players probably posted on proto-message boards poking fun at the NES upstarts with their graphical role-playing games.

It's not a bad point to make or anything, just one usually made with the optimism of a fundamental Christian who believes they've found a line in the bible that proves beyond a doubt that they're not wasting their life and actually, god does exist and yes, he hates all the fagets.
Mmm, Super Mario Bros 3... Now you remind me of it, I think it is a better game than SMB1. SMB3 I think must be the best 2D platformer ever.
Mutsumi said:
Mmm, Super Mario Bros 3... Now you remind me of it, I think it is a better game than SMB1. SMB3 I think must be the best 2D platformer ever.

Was that last gen though?

I guess I'll vote for mgs3 because it let me punch a gay Raiden in the nuts
which I ended up doing for hours on end....

That or ff 10 or dragon quest 8 or Kingdom Hearts 2 or persona 3 maybe gta san adreas ?

wow there so many good games last gen
Lupus said:
I honestly can't think of any really good JRPG games last gen. (In before "Hurr derr, Atlus and Square Enix make good RPGs")
What about Nippon Ichi? Strategy JRPGs aren't really that different from the traditional type.