Shonen/shounen recommendations


Brigade Leader
For some reason, I have been suddenly overcome with the urge to watch titles like Shaman King and Yu-Gi-Oh...god only knows why.

Anyway; at the mo; the only shonen titles I have are Megaman NT Warrior. Can anyone offer up som echoice titles, such as Rave Master, Real Bout high School and the likes?
Sonic X?

what they're all 4kids shows lol

well theres Bleach, Ravemaster as u said i know more but i can't think of them off the top of my head lol
If it's standard SJ you're looking for, I'd suggest taking a look at YuYu Hakusho; it's got most of the hallmarks of the genre but with one important difference- the pacing is decent and fights/story arcs don't last for a ridiculous number of episodes. Hunter X Hunter is another example of the genre 'done right' (decent pacing once again, and likeable characters not drawn from the usual stereotypes of 'thickheaded hero', 'aloof anti-hero etc).
ive also started to get in shonen anime recenctly maybe ive watched to much intellengent anime in the last couple of years after my 'evangelion,gits type' craze that im enjoying something basic and thoughtless which is just fun.

i recommend these

yu yu hakusho - has a slow start but a great line up of character and a evolution in there story which is great.

kenshin - a great series i reallly recommend this especially the kyoto arc.

scryed- a series im watching now and really enjoying i would recommend trying it.

naruto- ive watched about 80 episodes so far and it great.

bleach - ive not seen yet but i have it on fansubs and all ive heard is good things about it.

dragonball/z/gt - the most famous one, this series needs you to turn off your brain and just enjoy the fights but it also has a great line of characters and villains. its main letdown is length , the fights are sometimes too long. also the gt series isnt as good as the other and only worth watching if your a fan.

g gundam- another series that i like its worth looking up, its nothing like the other gundam series it is a tournament anime like yuyu hakusho,dragonball,shamen king. its pretty silly and repetative but its still fun.

fist of the north star - a choice of older people as its more violnet than an of the other ive mentioned but i find it great fun.

ive probably missed a few out so if i think of any more i add them in this topic.
Ryo Chan said:
I actually recommend this too... the Japanese version mind. Being a StH fan, I found it really quite enjoyable personally. Also, if you're not watching Naruto yet, I suggest you do. :)

EDIT: Ooh ooh, I can't believe no one has mentioned One Piece yet.. :shock:

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