Shana III to get an Autumn broadcast in Japan?


Once again, I read about this on UK Anime Net. Paul is really slipping and allowing the other 'active' UK anime site to get the better of AUKN right now...

An interview with Geneon in Japan has revealed that Shana III is likely to air this winter. Not the most shocking news ever but I thought I'd post it anyway since Shana is rather popular.

I don't care about the news myself. The first Shana series had a great first episode and then transformed into a generic shounen series. Since S2 is supposed to be worse than the first season, I have zero internet in watching the third season of a cash cow aimed at men who like little girls and kiddy rubbish.
Aion said:
Once again, I read about this on UK Anime Net. Paul is really slipping and allowing the other 'active' UK anime site to get the better of AUKN right now...

Paul is very busy at the moment like alot of people so doesn't have alot of time for updating the news. Besides, this is Anime "UK" News not Anime news network :D

Aion said:
Since S2 is supposed to be worse than the first season, I have zero internet in watching the third season of a cash cow aimed at men who like little girls and kiddy rubbish.

As opposed to people who enjoy watching animes about Psycho's killing other people?

i think i know which one is looked down apon more morally ;)
Aion said:
I don't care about the news myself. The first Shana series had a great first episode and then transformed into a generic shounen series. Since S2 is supposed to be worse than the first season, I have zero internet in watching the third season of a cash cow aimed at men who like little girls and kiddy rubbish.

I've said that to myself when I was hugely disappointed with Season 2. But I found Season 1 still excellent imo as it does have interesting villains. I hated the School thing though =P

But when I read the spoilers in the Light Novel, I was interested in the 'direction it's going', which is Yuji becoming an evil bastard because to fuse with some 'evil snake' and beating up Shana ;D

So yeah, I'll watch the third Season... for more Shana.

...yes, I am a grown man who like little kiddies... ;D
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I enjoyed the first series as it actually had a story line that was remotely interesting. I thought the second series just felt like filler imo. Storyline wasn't as stable with loose ends. Guess I could have taken or left it.

I am however a stickler for watching something threw to the end so I will be watching the third series even if it does turn out worse. Bring on the Flames if you ask me. I probably won't watch it straight away mind, will get around to it eventually tho.
yeah i've been watching some of the first season, and im liking it (naturally).

thing is for a 3rd season you don't know could bounce back