Shaman king, ever heard of it?


Stand User
Hey, I want to know if anyone knows shaman king. It comes on jetix, every day at 6:30. And its one of the best shows on jetix, and proves that jetix is best out of the kid's channel to show anime. My fav character is yoh and rikimahru, they so Bad!! Well, its a bit similar to pokemon in terms of bieng the greatest shaman king. But dosen't do like team rocket blasted off... oh, wait. there is, those girls, but olny like once every 5-6 epidode. You can't go wrong with it, watch it at 6:30pm every day at jetix until Naruto comes. Shaman king will keep people occupied till the naruto rage explodes
It is a cup of tea but it is not my tea or even my cup! Why is this cup of tea on my countertop?! Who would leave a cup of tea of unknown origin on my kitchen countertop?! Well all i know is that it is not my cup of tea.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
It is a cup of tea but it is not my tea or even my cup! Why is this cup of tea on my countertop?! Who would leave a cup of tea of unknown origin on my kitchen countertop?! Well all i know is that it is not my cup of tea.

okay, we get it. not your cup of tea. Wow, that should become a tounge twister. But i like it, along with other jetix show, others i watched jetix [even before it was called fox kids] are sonic x, shinzo and flint the time detective is my all time fox kids/jetix anime favs
I -HATE- Sonic X. Dub and original. You're free to enjoy it, naturally but I can't stand it...

As for Shaman King, ohyes have I heard of it, and like Ramen89 said methinks most every anime fan has. ^_^ I like Shaman King, though after reading the manga I can't say I enjoy the dub as much as I did. Opinion varies from what I've seen, I mean I didn't mind the dub that much, but a lot of folk hate it. Having seen some of the edits they're supposed to have made I can kinda understand, but I'll take Shaman King's dub over say, Cardcaptors. :S

And becoming the best X ever is a major kind of Shonen anime, it's to be expected. :p
I usually like anime like Shaman King. I mean it has the same kind of feel as Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter x Hunter and other similar fight anime, but I just couldn't get into it!
I actually rathered enjoyed the first few episodes, but had had enough at episode 36 - I just couldn't make myself suffer anymore - and I'm talking about the Japanese subbed version, not the icky dub :lol: