September: Best month ever?


Guild Member
Okay, so - we've got

*The release of the Fullmetal Alchemist movie
*Lots of new 'starter sets' from FUNimation
*The release of Paprika - Satoshi Kon's acclaimed latest movie
*Bleach, at long last, gets released on DVD
*Berserk, finally, gets released over here on DVD
*Brand new TV channel dedicated just to anime!
*Rebuild of Eva out in cinemas in Japan!!

Has there ever been a better time to be an anime fan in the UK and Ireland?

What do you plan to pick up next month?

CitizenGeek said:
Okay, so - we've got

*The release of the Fullmetal Alchemist movie
*Lots of new 'starter sets' from FUNimation
*The release of Paprika - Satoshi Kon's acclaimed latest movie
*Bleach, at long last, gets released on DVD
*Berserk, finally, gets released over here on DVD
*Brand new TV channel dedicated just to anime!

Has there ever been a better time to be an anime fan in the UK and Ireland?

What do you plan to pick up next month?


*Thought it sucked
*nothing really floating my boat in the line up
*meh, haven't got infected by the hype
*meh, it'll take a while to get to the good stuff (soul society arc)
*meh, never got what the fuss was about
*don't have Sky
hopeful_monster said:
*Thought it sucked
*nothing really floating my boat in the line up
*meh, haven't got ionfaected by the hype
*meh, it'll take a while to get to the good stuff (soul society arc)
*meh, never got what the fuss was about
*don't have Sky

Well, it's a good month for those who aren't cynical, then! XD
I'll be getting Paprika, Mushi-shi, the new Emma Pollock album and David Bowie's Buddha of Suburbia.

That's an unusually long list of things I'm looking forward to.
Won't be much differerent to the other months really. I'll occasionally catch Anime Central. I need to get all the FMA volumes before the movie. Beck is appealing to me. But I won't be getting asap.

Now October, Y'talking. October MCM Expo. :D
Don't forget that the Bleach Manga is officially released in the UK next month, so you will find it in a lot of Book shops now.

They are releasing 3 Volumes every Two months, so we will catch up to the Americans in no time
Chrono Demon said:
Don't forget that the Bleach Manga is officially released in the UK next month, so you will find it in a lot of Book shops now.

They are releasing 3 Volumes every Two months, so we will catch up to the Americans in no time

Cool! Who's releasing it? Gollancz?
CitizenGeek said:
Chrono Demon said:
Don't forget that the Bleach Manga is officially released in the UK next month, so you will find it in a lot of Book shops now.

They are releasing 3 Volumes every Two months, so we will catch up to the Americans in no time

Cool! Who's releasing it? Gollancz?

Actually, it was a company called Schuamer and something... They struck a deal with Viz to release the Manga here by Viz. That includes Shaman King, Death Note and other titles.

Death note is gonna be released in October.
Rebuild of Eva and FMA film for me, especially considering i pounced on that most amazing NGE deal at HMV. Perfect time to begin a 3rd viewing methinks :D
Will we get a fansubbed Rebuild of Eva movie in September? Or will we have to wait for the DVD release in Japan? I don't usually use fansubs, but I'll make an exception for Eva and I'll be buying that movie anyway!

Am I the only one getting Bleach, then?
Yes its going to be a good month. Although I’ve got a ton to buy already :S

I've already got the Region 1 special edition release of the FMA movie so that one doesn't affect me.

The starter sets are a different story I plan to get most of them including the Moon phase, BECK, Mushishi, Tsubasa and Suzuka sets *although I’m pretty sure a couple of those are launched in October*.

Paprika sounds interesting but I need to see Millennium actress and Paranoia agent first. *I don't want to see Perfect Blue >_>*

Bleach. Bleach is awesome and is my favourite Shonen jump anime. *In fact its about the only big one I watch*. I've got the first 2 region 1 DVDs but I’m defiantly getting the region 2 DVDs as the region 1 dvds aren’t that great and I would rather have 13 episodes in one set than 4 on import DVDs.

Beserk. I am so getting this. I was going to import it. Then MVM said they had it so i've been waiting ages for this. Need to read the manga as well.

AnimeCentral launching is the big thing. It will be awesome. I've been trying to convince my mum to get SKY for ages and she said yes finally just when this was announced. So yeah that will be great. Pity it launches after I start collage.

As for Re build of Eva. Meh. Evangelion is good but I haven't seen the whole series. I need to see the last 6 episodes and End of Evangelion before I check this out.
Sakimori said:
*I don't want to see Perfect Blue >_>*
Why not? It's probably my favourite Kon movie if not one of my favourite movies full stop. Don't be fooled by how it gets portrayed because it is not hentai and the nudity and violence serves the story rather than detracting.

I think you'd be missing out on something fantastic if you didn't see it.