Selling stuff (and you'd like to buy it)


Stand User
[UPDATE 05/2011]: So I've returned (shamefully) to sell some more stuff as I'm, again, clearing out books and trying to raise funds. A few of the bits from the first round are still there, after being in storage for the last, what, two years. The plan was to put it all on eBay soon, but I thought I'd at least give you all a chance to grab a bargain as you've all served me well in the past :thumb:
I'll provide pictures if it's a deal-breaker for anyone. Just post or PM me.

All of the books have been read once and then stored on my shelf so they're all in great condition.

D.Gray-Man vol. 1 - 8
First 8 volumes. Again, near mint, excellent, only read once, etc. £20

Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 1 - 5
Wonderful condition. So good in fact, you could probably eat off them (don't worry, I haven't). £15

Rurouni Kenshin vol. 1 - 5
Again, first 5 volumes. Near new condition. £15

Dragonball vol. 1 - 6!
First 6 volumes. Near new condition. £17

Battle Royale vol. 1 & 2
First 2 volumes. Again, excellent condition. Don't think I've even read these two. I'll chuck these in if you want them and buy something nice.

I've also got a copy of the first volume of Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. So if you're buying something and you want either, I'll chuck one in for free.

Same with the other items. If you'd like to make a sensible offer, then feel free. I'll consider all.

Payment would be via paypal.
If you want anymore info either pm me, or just reply here.

Thanks for looking!
You're selling Macross Plus, one of the most famous OVAs ever, without watching it? To think I thought you had an average sized brain, Maltovski...

Anyway. Since we go way back and are now Russian internet brothers, I will let you give me volumes 1-3 of One Piece out of the kindness of your youthful heart. Why do I need them you ask, out of concern? Because some bloody ******** sent "good" copies with faded pages.

Also, I'll allow you to read volumes 1-2 of Battle Royale and have you give me your thoughts before I bother starting the series. I wouldn't want to waste my time.

Some advice from someone not interested: £3 per book, with postage included will sting a little with PayPal fees. And it's unlikely you'll get much in the way of interest with a description as vague as "good", which can mean 'has been shat on' or 'has been treated like a woman' depending on the person who says it.
Aion said:
Some advice from someone not interested: £3 per book, with postage included will sting a little with PayPal fees. And it's unlikely you'll get much in the way of interest with a description as vague as "good", which can mean 'has been shat on' or 'has been treated like a woman' depending on the person who says it.

5 books for £15 should be okay though. I'm not really interested in selling seperately because the postage would make it almost pointless selling them. And i'm not interested in getting lots for them anyway. I'm just having a bit of clearout.

And if it'll make anyone feel any better they havn't been shat on and are all in pretty much near-mint condition.

Thanks comrade!
More like 5 for £13 after PayPal have their way. :p

I need to have a mini-clearout myself, again. The problem is, selling manga seems harder than it should be. I mean, who wouldn't want to read Saikano?
I may be interested in Macross Plus, Dragonball Manga and Battle Royale.

Could I not pay the postage and meet you in Cardiff and collect them?
Right, pictures all up. Some stuff is being sent out today. Thanks for those of you who've already bourght something!

I've had some interest in Dragonball, Battle Royale, and Macross/Ninja Scroll.
I've left them up because I won't get a definitive answer till later this week so I think the fairest thing to do is consider any offers I recieve before then.

Cheers everyone.
Yehyehyeh. I've returned to sell a load of books. So post/pm if you'd like anything.

And Spyro/Shirayuri?, pm me or something as my MSN's been a **** since you rang.
hmmm, curious how much would you sell the first 5 negima volumes? I was considering buying them, but I don't carry much money so I might buy them over sets over time if that's okay with you.
Sure. I suppose as with the other 5 volume sets I'm selling, it'd be £15?

edit// and by the way, if someone messaged me concerning this thread, you might want to resend the pm. I received a notification email, but upon checking my inbox, nothing.
I'm interested in various bits - are you willing to meet in Cardiff to do the exchange to save postage? I need to go there since it's been too long anyway-!