Screenshots with our reviews


Ghost of Animes
The astute amongst us will already have noticed a new feature we added to our reviews section earlier today. Since we know the importance art plays in anime, we are now including three screenshots with our reviews. We hope you find this new feature useful when deciding whether or not a certain series or movie is worth your time!
Excellent idea, its nice to see screenshots in reviews as it allows the reader to see what the anime they could possibly looking into buying, actually looks like.
valha said:
what ive seen of the screen shots so far make the review look alot nicer and are a nice addtion to them. good idear. :)
Agreed. I know myself that the way a series looks can definitely make a difference to me aswell, as i'm sure it does to most people on some level
i agree with everyone here, the screenshots do make it better to see whether or not the anime show or film is worth our time...great addition Paul :D