Sci-fi manga


School Idol
Can anyone recommend any?
I'd like to branch out from fantasy epics and japanese high schools, and I'd rather read something that wasn't also an anime.
Non-anime sci-fi manga

These are recommended titles with no anime adaptions.

Cannon God Exaxxion 1-4 (outstanding)
Domu: A Childs Dream 1c
Immortal Rain 1-6 (Tokyopop has caught up .. big cliffhangers)
Ray 1-3 (will be an anime soon)

sci-fi manga with limited anime adaptions

I have included these, becaause their anime adaptions were
a) very short (small OVAs)
b) bad
c) substantially different from the manga

Alien 9 (this is very trippy stuff)
Appleseed (outstanding - possibly THE sci-fi manga)
Battle Angel Alita (outstanding)
Nausicaa (scope and breadth of the manga is 4 times the anime)

While sci-fi manga is not necessarily rare, it does tend to get
adapted very readily into anime. Theres also plenty of sci-fi
manga where the sci-fi aspect is a prop to a different kind of
story (enabling super-powers, mecha, or just a backdrop).

Theres other stuff out there, but I haven't read it (Blame! comes
to mind).
Thanks for the tips.
I have Appleseed already, I love Masumune Shirow's work.
I've also been thinking of Domu already, but I will check out some of the others...I hope Blackwells still have the 2 for 3 offer on!
The titles I mentioned are virtually all Import. With the exception of Ray and Cannon God Exaxxion (which would be just very hard to find). You won't find them in bookstores.

Your request criteria were quite narrow.

Of the ones you might be able to find, Exaxxion is the most highly recommended
i also recommend battle angel alita because its really good. but like Laughing Manji said it will hard finding them around.
Laughing Manji said:
The titles I mentioned are virtually all Import. With the exception of Ray and Cannon God Exaxxion (which would be just very hard to find). You won't find them in bookstores.

Your request criteria were quite narrow.
This I today realised, though I didn't have time to check some shops so still might find something...
Capuchin said:
This I today realised, though I didn't have time to check some shops so still might find something...

The only place you will find anything by Viz is in a comic store (and possibly Borders too - they are US based and stock US-only titles).

Also some of the Dark Horse titles are a bit specialised. They are comic store only in general.

You will have to buy online for most titles. Battle Angel Alita is actually very easy to source online.
Wish I'd noticed this thread earlier while lurking.

The fact that no-one's mention Planetes suggests that it's perhaps not very well known, which is a shame because it's one of the best works of science fiction I've ever read - manga or otherwise. Generally I don't read science fiction, because most of it either has bad science or bad fiction. In Planetes, both are excellent. :D

Um, it has been adapted into an anime, but its very different from the manga, and fans of the manga seem to hate it. :?
Planetes didn't get mentioned precisely because the OP requested manga that wasn't anime adapted.

Its good, but the anime is better.

I didn't mention Eden either. Haven't read my copy yet. I have heard reports that the first volume is really only setting the scene, so I am waiting for volume 2.

You could also look around for some of Otomo's less well known works (Legend of Mother Sarah etc.) though some of that is really hard to find.

I recently managed to get my hands on Black & White & Aqua Knight which might qualify as Sci-fi (I will know in a week or so, or whenever its dispatched) but they were extremely difficult to find.
Laughing Manji said:
Planetes didn't get mentioned precisely because the OP requested manga that wasn't anime adapted.

Its good, but the anime is better.
Eep! Yeah, a little digging turns up a more positive view of the anime, as well as the near-consensus opinion that reading the short manga first may spoil a more involved anime for you. Apologies. ^^;