Rozen Maiden Uk Release?


Completely Average High School Student
Is there any chance of a Uk release of Rozen maiden in the UK anytime soon? I really liked this anime and would love to get the english dub which is now out in the US. I would rather not have to buy the Region 1 editions.
I looked it up on and it has vol1 for all regions and vol 2 isnt avilable no idea if that means if in the uk or it's an import i googled it and nothing of intrest come up.

I hope it is great show DESU
X_nick_X said:
I looked it up on and it has vol1 for all regions and vol 2 isnt avilable no idea if that means if in the uk or it's an import i googled it and nothing of intrest come up.

I hope it is great show DESU

The amazon listing is an import.

The chances of a UK company releasing it are slim to none, volume 1 hasn't sold that well in the US and it's unlikely to do any better over here.
Noratav said:
The chances of a UK company releasing it are slim to none, volume 1 hasn't sold that well in the US and it's unlikely to do any better over here.

Where did you get your information from for it not selling well? It seems to have been taken normally by R1 people on the AnimeOnDVD forums, just as well as Geneon's other 2 latest releases - When They Cry and Karin; Rozen Maiden has a velvet covered artbox anyway, which is enough to make anyone buy it : ) It's expensive for Geneon to make velvet stuff so I don't see why they would put that amount of money into it if it wasn't going to do well, and besides they've just announced the first 2 volumes of the 2nd Rozen Maiden series.
I really want it to come to the UK. It is such a great series the art box is amazing as well. I want that so much! It is a good story as well, serious but with light humour as well which is my favourite style. I won't get my hopes up but I will continue to keep my fingers crossed ^_^
I'll give you a reason why the selling is so poor.

People know that both the animation studio gave up on it and so did Peach Pit.

Here's a spoiler guys, Rozen Maiden ends.
It just ends.

No conflict resolution, no big battle.

It ... just ... ends.
Geneon have Traumend too, but not Overture.

As for my Info, a rep from Geneon posted in the Rozen Maiden thread on the AnimeonDVD forums that it was being outsold by Karin 2 to 1, Of course, Karin could be doing amazingly well, but that's unlikely.

Secondly, AnimeonDVD is not a good indicator of what's popular, among the wider fandom, people over there tend to be a lot more into drama and slice of life series than is the norm, even compared to other anime forums.
I know that 'it...just...ends' but even if that's the case getting to that 'end' os a pretty fun ride for anyone who is willing to grab a seat. So I don't know why it shouldn't come to the UK really. I mean worse series have made it here. I don't particuarly like the ends to evangelion but it is still a pretty good series up to those last few episodes.
I equate it to being in a car and it stoping suddenly, causing you to go foreword and bang your head on the dashboard.
It's anoying and no one likes it.
It's true that the ending (or lack thereof) sucks, but that's hardly the reason it's not selling well... it's simply a niche title that won't appeal to as many people as titles like Karin.
So yeah, don't be too surprised if it doesn't come out over here.
(If you were wearing your seat belt you wouldn't have flown forward XD.)

It's a shame that it probably won't because it is a really amusing series.
Ramadahl said:
It's true that the ending (or lack thereof) sucks, but that's hardly the reason it's not selling well... it's simply a niche title that won't appeal to as many people as titles like Karin.
So yeah, don't be too surprised if it doesn't come out over here.
and to be frank, good riddiance to bad anime.

Another point: there's a manga series I'll never buy, Karin. I meen honestly, if they had left it the hell alone, I'd had bought it but no, Tokyopop needed to be stupid and call it "Chibi Vampire" for no discernable reason other than to make me look like some sorta lolicon bastard for running it though the till.

That siad, the dvds are still on my to get list cuz Geneon aren't as stupid as tokopop.

kyokat said:
(If you were wearing your seat belt you wouldn't have flown forward XD.)
Anime is not a ride that you wear seat belts for, you don't "snuggle" with anime, you strap yourself in and feel the Gs!
Conan-san said:
Anime is not a ride that you wear seat belts for, you don't "snuggle" with anime, you strap yourself in and feel the Gs!

Haha, A a quote from my Favorite Simpson Episode; even though the simpsons isn't even worth watching anymore.