Robin Hood - New BBC Series


Robin Hood Starts on Saturday night at 7.05pm on BBC1 and I for one will be watching it (ok so I'll be at work but my VCR will be taping it). The series looks promising, and there will be no tight wearing by the male cast.

Robin Hood looks grizzled enough in the trailer and Maid Marrion seems to have an action stlye roll in it too with her hair combe/hidden blade combo.

One bit I am disappointed in is that they have CG'd the archery scenes.... As if no one can fire a bow.

Will anyone else viewing this?
A cheesy, pantomime performance that I would expect to see featured during Children in Need – that’s my opinion of what I saw, which was the first 15 minutes. I’ll try and watch it fully when it’s repeated tonight on BBC3 but I can’t see my opinion changing.

Something far better that I have seen is the trailer for Torchwood on BBC3, which while still looking cheesy also looks like a proper late-night Dr Who.
Taped it but will hopefully get a chance to see it tomorrow and then I shall pass judgement, although the Radio Times did say that Robin looked like he was a reject from Busted and was given the bow and arrow to stop from crying.
Espy said:
Is this the "modern day adaptation" in which Robin Hood is a tracksuit wearing thug?

No thats Chavving Hood and its airing next week, where he robs from the rich, the poor and his family in order to buy the new burberry tracksuit and matching mobile phone aiiiiiight
McIcy said:
Espy said:
Is this the "modern day adaptation" in which Robin Hood is a tracksuit wearing thug?

No thats Chavving Hood and its airing next week, where he robs from the rich, the poor and his family in order to buy the new burberry tracksuit and matching mobile phone aiiiiiight

Whoah, I saw the radio times cover with that on it, and it looked like he was wearing an anorak! I assumed it was a crappy modern day revival thing. But I might be interested in watching it now.
It's okay, nothing special. I don't see why Marian has to be like Rose from Dr Who.

Everytime the location words came up I thought someone had been shot in the back with an arrow.
I thought it was pretty bad, uninspiring acting, rather dull overall and just not a patch on the previous BBC adaptation (which was just fantastic) back in the 80's.
I didn't think it was a complete disaster. I'm always very cynical of BBC dramas set in the past because it seems incredibly difficult for them not to make it cheesy. While there were a few scenes here and there that made my cringe (specifically when Robin throws his CG sword and knocks out a couple of guards with it), I thought overall it was quite a well-produced episode. The setting and scenery seemed well put together, even if the acting was a bit wooden at times. I saw enough anyway to watch the next episode.
Bugger completely forgot I taped it, will have to watch it tomorrow. CG should not be allowed in stuff like this though it rarely works well enough to pass
A lot of it I found either dull or lame, but for me the most tragic part of the episode was at the end when Robin entered the Matrix.

"There is no sword"
seems pretty lame to me, i dont think in robin hood times they would have had spikey hair and hair gel and pristine white teeth...