The Boss
"RIN-NE is the first manga series that will be available in stores at the same time as the Japanese release of the same volume. Through an unprecedented collaboration, RIN-NE is also the first manga series to appear simultaneously in Shogakukan’s popular WEEKLY SHONEN SUNDAY manga magazine in Japan and online on for North American fans. A new chapter is released each week for domestic fans to enjoy at the same time as their Japanese peers."
The first issue will be available in US on the 20th of October.
For the UK, <a href="">Amazon</a> lists it a month later (26th of November) at £6.29.
From VIZ press release.
The first issue will be available in US on the 20th of October.
For the UK, <a href="">Amazon</a> lists it a month later (26th of November) at £6.29.
From VIZ press release.