Right Stuf (TRSI) Discussion


State Alchemist
fabricatedlunatic said:
ilmaestro said:
But more importantly, have TRSI moved on from 1999, or do they still need to be faxed a copy of your credit card to set up your account?
No, they still require a copy of your card, both sides (you can block out one set of digits), and a bill showing your address. They provide a secure link through which you can email scans. I don't see it as being any more risky than having however many online stores holding your details in their databases, but it is a bit of a inconvenience.
You say "inconvenience", I say "piss take". :-/
Having been through the process, it's not that painful, and considering that each time you give your CC number to anyone, you're opening yourself up to fraud anyway, it's not like you're risking all that much.

Besides, it's a one time thing. I did it last January, a bit of hassle to be sure, but then my card got compromised in June and I had to get a new one issued. Fortunately TRSI didn't ask me to go through it again with the new card. I think they just need you to establish your customer credentials and then you're OK.
In my case, I have no utility bills addressed to my card's billing address, as odd as that may seem. Would they accept online invoices as proof of address?

Moreover, can it be assumed that the link for sending scans is as safe as the https sections of their website?
Actually, I sent them a scan of my driving licence. They really just need to be sure that you exist at your postal address.

Here's what's in their FAQ

"I'm an international customer. What's with this extra data you need?
With international mail and credit card fraud becoming a growing problem, we felt it was better to ask you for additional information rather than charge everyone outside the country a lot more for their stuff. For first time orders only, we require a copy of some form of ID (can be a utility bill, credit card statement, driver's license, passport, etc.) which shows your address along with a photocopy of BOTH the FRONT AND BACK side of your credit card. For security purposes, please black out one set of digits and your signature. We request this information to help keep credit card fraud down and make sure that you are the person using your card - this allows us to better protect you by making sure you are receiving the product. Right Stuf will provide a secure website location for our international customers to submit this information, please email us for more information. Please note that this policy only affects first-time international buyers; once your data has been received, we mark your account as verified and the submissions are destroyed. Sorry, we can only ship to your billing address.

To securely submit copies of your ID or billing statement and credit card through the Right Stuf website:

1. First, you will need to log into the Right Stuf website. Go to RightStuf.com and click on the online store.

a. If you have been logged in recently, click on "Your Account" in the upper right corner, just under the "Shawne's Deal of the Day" banner. You may need to enter your email address and password again. Go to step 2.

b. If the name in the upper right hand corner under the "Shawne's Deal of the Day" banner is not yours, click on the "If this is not you, please click here" link. Enter your email address and password at the login screen. Go to step 2.

c. If it says "Already a customer or associate?" under the "Shawne's Deal of the Day" banner, please click on "Please sign in". Enter your email address and password at the login screen. Go to step 2.

2. Once you are logged in, under "Your Previous Orders" click on "Check on an order's status".

3. Click on the "View Order" button that is to the right of your order that is waiting. The status of the order will be "Order has been received; held customer service review". If you have multiple orders in this status, you only need to submit your ID or billing statement and credit card information for one of the orders.

4. On the right hand side of the page under "Did you receive an e-mail message requesting additional information?" click on "send that information to us using a secure form". You will then be taken to a secure form that will allow you to send the copies of your ID or billing statement and credit card to us.

**Important** The copies of your ID and credit card must be saved to your computer in JPEG or GIF format. The form will not accept any other type of file. All of the fields are required.

5. There are three images that you will need to send to us; the front of an ID or billing statement that shows your name and address, the front of your credit card, and the back of your credit card. To add an image, press the "Browse" button and the file upload window will appear. Browse to the image you want to upload and click "Save". Repeat this step for the remaining two files.

6. Click "Send Information". This will send the copies of your ID or billing statement and credit card to our customer service department. Depending on your connection, this may take awhile and your browser may appear to be locked up while the files are being uploaded. Once we have reviewed the copies, your order can be processed.

Looks like they've changed the procedure since then, I didn't blank out my CC signature as they now request.
ilmaestro said:
Project-2501 said:
Credit card fraud is rife in the USA. Its the retailer protecting their own **** as they don't want to lose money.
So why does no-one else do it?

Why don't you email every other US DVD store that sends to Europe and ask them? It'd be far more productive than asking a random AUKN member.
ilmaestro said:
Project-2501 said:
Credit card fraud is rife in the USA. Its the retailer protecting their own **** as they don't want to lose money.
So why does no-one else do it?

I had to do it for deepdiscount.com and I am sure I had to do it for something else. As has already been said it is a bit of a pain but even with card changes I am sure I have only had to do it once for each.
ilmaestro said:
Project-2501 said:
Credit card fraud is rife in the USA. Its the retailer protecting their own **** as they don't want to lose money.
So why does no-one else do it?

They're worth it at least. I had a £200+ package go missing once many years ago and they just replaced it without quibble. Something similar happened to a friend with Deep Discount and he was banned from their site, permanently, after a curt refund.

The security thing doesn't bother me at all as it's no less secure if you blank things out than giving card details over the phone, it's just a hassle. I've changed my name, address and card since my first order and never had to jump through hoops since.

lol, I was all "er... did I create a thread in my sleep or something?" when I first saw this.

Dracos: I've had to do it for places, too. Just not in the last five years or more. CC companies have their own separate online security you can run people through if you need to, this is just old fashioned.

Are their prices actually worth the hassle, btw?
On a related subject, animecornerstore looks quite decent. Although they request card scans for international customers, this only appears to apply for credit card orders processed through their site. Fortunately, a PayPal option exists to circumnavigate such an inconvenience.

Unlike RightStuf however, shipping rates aren't available until an order is ready to be confirmed.
I was getting overexcited every time the Sales thread grew so thought it had better be split :)

ilmaestro said:
Are their prices actually worth the hassle, btw?

Their regular prices are mediocre, but if you do big orders during their sales or watch the bargain bin you can save a fortune on R1. The shipping scales so that it's $10 for one item then $2 for each thereafter, which is again terrible for one off purchases but fantastic when you start getting a big batch together, which they are happy to keep combining with other orders if you are disorganised like me. Plus they can be generous about what constitutes an item (their bundles of 10 UY discs are "1 item" for shipping purposes despite being 10 single DVD cases).

Some highlights from my recent "it's close to Christmas and my birthday so I don't care about being responsible" blowout were:

$23.99 per set of Sgt Frog
$17.99 per set of Case Closed (this just feels like I'm ripping them and Funimation off it's such good value)
$19.99 for He Is My Master complete
$19.99 for Hell Girl season 1
$5 for Princess Raccoon
$1.99 for the terrible Mixx version of Graduation (PC) because the box art made me nostalgic for Mixxzine

These beat the majority of used prices so I am happy :)

They also mark down their shipments and send the invoices separately, which can be a blessing. I ordered a conspicuous number of high value sets which I'm usually too wimpy to try to sneak through customs at a big saving over buying from Axel/UP1. The legendary "buy 10 dvds for $50, or 25 dvds for $100" sales were quite good too in the days of singles.

R (I don't work for them, honest)
Hmm, I took a picture of the sutff they needed with my PS3 eye. Apparently it was good enough.

As for their 'sales' I spent a good 2 days of free time a couple of weeks ago doing the maths for their Funimation sale. The fact of the matter is, the savings are so minimal compared to Amazon Marketplace sellers, that it really is not worth the trouble. You MAYBE save about £1-2 on an item which had its original RRP at $70 on TRSI, but then adding back on the P+P, it really comes out to be roughly the same. I added up everything I wanted which came to about $350 RRP and including sale savings and adding on a new 'Got anime' membership. I believe I ended up saving about $20 total. Which is really not worth the effort imo. Especially as I only watch DVD-based anime during holidays...
Rui said:
I was getting overexcited every time the Sales thread grew so thought it had better be split :)
Haha, fair enough.

I'm not so sure that I can bothered, still. Having to keep on checking for sales to get a decent price is a bit too much effort for me.
stuart-says-yes said:
Has anyone used Cd Universe it doesnt need require you to send a scan of your credit card and it has plenty of cheap anime

Yep I used them now and again back when the exchange rate was better. The problem with CDuniverse is the same as with buying direct from most US companies at the moment and that is the shipping adds enough to take away any saving. And of course if you try to reduce the shipping per item costs by adding more you just end up getting hit by duty.

At the moment I am finding some decent deals can be had from play traders and amazon market place. It is always worth checking both though as I have found a couple of times people like moviemars can be on both but by the time you add postage on amazon they are cheaper on play (sometimes cheaper than before postage).
stuart-says-yes said:
True,though hayate no gotoku volume 3 for £15 including shipping the day it came out from cd universe

I just checked and it is now $33.04 including postage which is £19.75 at current exchange rates. Some traders on play have it for around £16.50.
Got my Pani Poni Dash and Utawarerumono Bundles from TRSI today.

That was random...

I ordered them as 2 items, $30 and $20, and I asked them to mark the package down as they always do...

Only this time they didn't. Instead my customs note said 12 items at $5 apiece. Total $60, which is actually more than what I paid for it,

Regardless of all that, it snuck through customs anyway without being charged. Dunno how, it turned up in a whopping great blue sack by a postie wanting to play knock down ginger. Let the bag on my door step, rang the bell, did a runner.
Unfortunately TSRI don't treat bundles in the same way as box sets for customs purposes; every disc is counted as one item. They do the same with the Urusei Yatsura bundles, even though the postage charge per bundle is for one item.

Odd that the stated value was more than you paid, though.