Right Stuf Import tax

You can get the fees back if you complain to Royal Mail/Parcel Force, though it's still insulting as you have to complain in writing to their admin office, so you pay them for a stamp even if they refund you. And the wording of their process makes it sound as though it's actually impossible, as you have to apply for the refund within a certain time of the delivery yet after the UKBA refunds their part, and the latter can take months. And then they send you a cheque when you succeed, so I'm less inclined to moan as it's not worth the hassle of traipsing to a bank on one of my rare days off.

A little modernisation would be nice sometimes to make the gouging less depressing.

Ian Wolf said:
OK, it's just that I've never come across anything like this before.
It used to be fairly common. Back in 1998.

No idea why TRSI can't get with the times, online card fraud checks have come a long way in the last ten years.